So today just became a good one. I'm leaving the site for financial reasons right now. I hope to be back ASAP.
And now she getting married. Oh well. On a much lighter note. Thanks to my wonderful work phone. I now have regular SG access. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. My new job is still great. I just work all the time. If anyone is in the Bain ridge GA area. Please hit me up.
Today I am 30.
Happy birthday 

Happy birthday!
Anyone out there in the Bainbridge GA area? I've been here about two weeks. I work a lot but would really like someone to hang out with.
grrrr I am 2 far...
I live so far away 

Update!!! I got a new job. I am now the head athletic trainer for a high school in Georgia. While I never really pictured myself at a high school, this place is amazing. It looks like a small college campus. While its not a big division I school nice, its a hell of a lot better than some of the division II schools that I...
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Bravo nothing better than a new job that you love! Congrats!
(Hank you all!!
I had something really good to say this morning, then I got busy, and now I can't remember what it was.
hi there

lol It could be, Go to hell everybody!!!! 

So happy Happy day. While I have not gotten to ride my bike, and my back does not feel 100%, and no, I did not when the lotto. But I did have a great interview today. I interviewd for a position to be the athletic trainer at a High School in Georgia today. i would cover about 19 sports and teach two classes. yes, a...
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This back thing is really starting to get old. Rehab and stretching at least twice a day. And my bike is just sitting at the house looking at me, asking why it hasn't been out in almost two weeks. If I'm not better by next week I'm going back to the doctor, I really just want to be back on the bike. Even if that...
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i really hope you feel better! back pain can be completely miserable!

I haven't been able to ride my bike for 11 days. Now while that doesn't sound bad, it's killing me. Doctors orders. I went for a "long" bike ride Saturday the 30th. It was great. I did 14 miles, worked a football camp in the Florida heat, and then 14 miles home. I was very happy. The ride took about 52 min one way. And...
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Is lovely when u do what u love, isnt it?? 

Possible torn disc tissue. Going to rehab the hell out of this thing!!!!