I LOVE Florida. I know its hot, humid and some times sticky. We have bugs that bite and bugs that annoy. We have LOTs of old people. Ruder people, Red Necks, and Dumb asses. But I can wear flip flops almost year round. You're never more than 2 hours from a beach. I really do love it here.
I will be leaving Ohio soon. I cannot stay for the funeral, but my sister is going to stay and I have spent lots of time with family over the past few days. Thank you to those who commented and offered support at this time. I wish you all a great day, and I will tell you of any interesting events that happen on the...
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Regards !! XOXO !! kiss
I will need something to do tomorrow night. Don't know if I can sit in this house.
Try to walk by the river with a few friends or something! That's what I do when I'm bored.
So my sister and I packed p yesterday and headed to Ohio cause my Grandmother was ill. We drove till both of us could no longer stay awake. About 3 hours from our final destination in Massillon. We got here less than an hour ago. My dad, aunt sister and Grandpa arrive at the hospital, only to find out she passed away less than 5...
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I'm so sorry luv
I am sorry you missed her passing... and don't give a fuck how other people think you look right now. You mourn how you see fit; let noone make you feel any different!
Today is a reminder of why I live in the south. As in Florida. Ohio, you are very cold and your residents keep looking at me funny for one of my most prized possessions. My flip flops!! While seeing snow again, is kind of nice, I don't like driving in you, and once again, you are COLD!!!! I still have about 2 and a half...
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1. I love the front page, and MR keeps calling me back.

2. People are stupid. Atleast the people that I have had contact with today. It started with people trying to get in for free and not paying, to the person who currently has me blocked in and is also blocking the dumpster. And then there are the people that I work with. They...
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I'm going to the doctor. I can only breath out of one side of my nose and I can't hear out of my left ear. So far 2012 has not been that great.
Mother Trucker!! I'm sick again. And its all in my chest. This sucks so bad.