RIP Jimmy The Rev Sullivan, drummer of Avenged Sevenfold

i never knew my pain could be so great for someone i didn't really know and only met a couple times. guess it just goes to show how deeply music can touch and connect people.
my heart truly goes out to the rest of the band, i cannot imagine what it must be like to go through this and i send them nothing but love.
i will fucking miss you sooo much. a tearful goodbye from one of your biggest fans

i never knew my pain could be so great for someone i didn't really know and only met a couple times. guess it just goes to show how deeply music can touch and connect people.
my heart truly goes out to the rest of the band, i cannot imagine what it must be like to go through this and i send them nothing but love.
i will fucking miss you sooo much. a tearful goodbye from one of your biggest fans

WORD. your the only sg on here who i knew ever showed massive love for the band. this is seriously the shittiest death of the year.
when i heard the news i thought about you, i hope your doing ok, it really is sad news.