hey guys, i made what the Myspace kids call a proof vid as i've seen a few fake profiles here and there. i honestly don't know why people do it but alas, it happens a lot. tried to make mine a little different than the others, check it out
and i bet you're sick of hearing me talk about Papa Roach...well to bad
i have three (yes THREE) more PR shows coming up, one taking place just a week after my birthday!! those shows always end up being the best so i'm extra excited. it's on Oct. 30th, a Halloween event so i'll be dressing up for sure. probably as a dead Papa Roach cheerleader (me..a cheerleader
also have to mention how much i LOVE that it's October. my favorite FAVORITE time of the year. it just gives me that feeling
it's Fall, it's Halloween, it's my birthday...how can it get any better. i'll be enjoying absolutely everything this month has to offer.
last but not least, my newest photos from the Dr. Seuss photoset i took. was going to wait till i had the whole set edited and posted on my website but recently had computer problems (oh yeah, i got a new laptop) so i haven't had a chance to finish it yet. but here are a couple of my fave shots
"And I learned there are troubles of more than one kind
Some come from the front and some come from behind
But I've bought a big bat, I'm all ready you see
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me"
from 'I Had Trouble In Getting To Solla Sollew' by Dr. Seuss

and i bet you're sick of hearing me talk about Papa Roach...well to bad

also have to mention how much i LOVE that it's October. my favorite FAVORITE time of the year. it just gives me that feeling

last but not least, my newest photos from the Dr. Seuss photoset i took. was going to wait till i had the whole set edited and posted on my website but recently had computer problems (oh yeah, i got a new laptop) so i haven't had a chance to finish it yet. but here are a couple of my fave shots

"And I learned there are troubles of more than one kind
Some come from the front and some come from behind
But I've bought a big bat, I'm all ready you see
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me"
from 'I Had Trouble In Getting To Solla Sollew' by Dr. Seuss
im sure youve heard this alot but
you take kickass pics girl
i should hire you for my photoman