i headed out to TX for my first time this weekend to see Papa Roach. Ohio was suppose to be my last show but after seeing the Corpus Christi date was an all General Admission show, i knew i had to go. i hit up my friend Nerdie who lives in TX to see if she was going to be there, she says yes so i buy tickets to the show, a ticket to TX and got my ass out there
Nerdie picks me up from the airport, we hit our hotel, get some eats, then try and decide what we wanted to do that night. thanks to Twitter we knew the boys were staying in San Antonio which was only 2hrs from us. after trying to find some good bars in Corpus we gave up and hit the road to San An. there were a few bumps in our path (like horrible rain fall and speeding tickets) but we got there with plenty of time to party
we met up with Jodi and hit the bars.

we bar hopped quite a bit but my fave would have to be Coyote Ugly!! that place was awesome. pretty much the second i walk in there the girl working, standing on the bar with a mic in her hand, comes over to me and says "oh you HAVE to get up here girl. there's no way you can walk in looking like that and not get up on this bar"...
...i was really hesitant. as much as i love to dance i can honestly say this was the first time i've ever done it on a bar. i was already a bit drunk so i say what the hell and hop up
hehe. it was a real good time.
so anyway, back to Papa Roach. we get up kind of late the next day
as you can imagine we were pretty damn hung over, but we got ready and got down to the venue. we got there around noon and immediately found the buses so instead of getting in line we hung there for about an hour. nobody comes in or out and we see a few peeps coming and going from the venue entrance so we figured we better get in line. only about six people were there before us and right off the bat everyone is really nice. we all hang out and try not to fry under the insanely hot sun, hiding in the little bits of shade we could find. we met lots of other people from the Riot (papa roaches website), we all kind of recognized each other from the boards 
so a few hours go by, a few more kids show up, we're all sitting there and suddenly we here really loud music, it was Time Is Running Out. we look at each other because it sounds really live, Nerdie's like "The techs must just be doing sound check..." i'm like "...but...that's Jacoby's voice...maybe it's just a recording". she says "No, that sounds to live". then, in between lyrics we hear Jacoby scream out "Fuck yeah!!!" we all realize it's them practicing, jump up and start screaming for them
it was really awesome. you could tell they could hear us screaming, it was like they were putting on a little pre-show for us even though we couldn't see them. they also played Change Or Die AND Blood Brothers, and Time Is Running Out and Blood Brothers ended up not being apart of the show so it was like this awesome treat for all the kids who got there early. it was really one of the most amazing things that has ever happened before a show...well that's what i thought until later on that day 

more hours go by, lots more kids are arriving, it's getting close to the time the doors are suppose to open. all the peeps that were there before us are in a group talking, i'm sitting behind them when this dude comes up and ask them something weird like "Did you guys all come together, or did you meet in line?", something like that. they answer him and he walks away. then he comes back and separates them from the rest of the line...we're all like WTF!! we could tell it was something special even though he wouldn't even tell them what it was. and at first we were left out so we were kind of like..yeah...that kind of sucks. not gonna lie, i was on the verge of being a little pissed when the same dude comes back and ask us how many people we have with us. we tell him four, he leaves, comes back and takes us over to the new line too!
so we're all standing there still wondering what the deal is when he finally drops the bomb..."You're going to meet the band"...we all started screaming and jumping, and i guess i must of reacted the most cause EVERYONE was like..."Are you going to be ok" "Don't faint yOyO"...and i kind of did feel like was going to pass out. i don't know why but i honestly have never been so nervous to meet a band before in my life. my hands were shaking and everything
it was amazing though, i was a nervous wreck but they were all really nice
we're in line to meet them and Nerdie is like "Is That Dan The Body??" (one of A7X's roadies) i'm like "Noooo way...it CAN'T be". but sure enough, it was
he looks over and gives us a lil wave. i'm making my way up the line and can't keep my eyes off Jacoby, he looks up, catches me staring at him, and gives me one of his sideways looks that's kind of menacing but also adorable at the same time. i totally freak out and look away, gah, i was acting like a total spazz the whole time
Jerry and Tony recognize me instantly and ask how i've been liking all the shows. i got a pic with both of them

so i finally make my way to Jacoby and he's like "What's up!! I've met you before haven't I??" i could barely find my voice, i say "No, you met some of my friends and they had you guys sign a pic for me. And I made you a Dog Tag" he was like "Oh, you made that one that says Jacoby on it right?" i smiled really big and say "Yeah, that was me, and I have another one for you" and gave him the guitar pick one i sell in my store. he seemed to really like it
smiled all big and says thanks. then kind of stares at me and says "I know I've seen you before...you're on the website aren't you?" i say "Yeah, and I've seen you guys 5 times this year...front row every time". he fucking LOVED that, he slammed his fist on the table goes "YEAH!!" and bumps his fist with mine. then i ask for a pic and turn to Dan and say "Can you take it Dan??" Jacoby seemed surprised that i knew him so i jokingly say "Oh, Dan and I are old friends" hehe 

after the meet & greet they let us reclaim our front line status so i had an amazing spot for the show. the venue unfortunately did not allow cameras so i have no pics of the guys on stage. but honestly i'm kind of glad i didn't have one, i was able to rock out much harder. and this show was THE BEST Papa Roach show i have ever been to in my life!!!! it was amazing, all the guys were on fire but Jacoby was really amazing in his own right. he was just so much more excited (if that's even possible, hehe), was really REALLY feeding off the crowd, really feeling every emotion...it was amazing to watch. he was dancing a lot more too AND decided to turn around and show us his bare ass
THAT was really amazing as well, haha.
the songs they played were amazing too, like Broken Home, Change Or Die, and Had Enough. songs i hadn't heard live at any other shows. the highlight for me though was when Jacoby came out to the crowd during Between Angels and Insects. he came up to me, grabbed onto my arm, sang to me for a few seconds, then stopped singing mid song and said "What's up yOyO"...!!!!! i almost passed out, seriously my friends were like holding me up. i screamed and jumped all over the place. the most amazing part is i didn't mention my name when i met him earlier that day!! not once. like either he remembered from their website or from when he met my friend Amber and signed the pic for me...i really have no idea. but to call me out in the middle of a song like that...truly amazing. the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me for sure. it made the night, and my first run of Papa Roach shows complete.
i think that's pretty much it
i'm amazed at everything that happened this weekend, totally like a dream. but i actually had a really good feeling on my way out to TX and it just feels crazy that those feelings were confirmed. i can't wait for their headlining tour and for the possibility for them to tour with A7X again 
if that happens i'll hit up every show i possibly can!!
also someone got a vid of when Jacoby gave me a shout out during the show
around min 2:27 it's hard to hear but it's there
*EDIT Sept 22nd* my computer is totally fucked ATM, only lets me online for a little bit at a time. won't be around much until it's all fixed which will hopefully be soon. if you've ordered anything from my store shipping will also be delayed until the problem is fixed. thanks for understanding

Nerdie picks me up from the airport, we hit our hotel, get some eats, then try and decide what we wanted to do that night. thanks to Twitter we knew the boys were staying in San Antonio which was only 2hrs from us. after trying to find some good bars in Corpus we gave up and hit the road to San An. there were a few bumps in our path (like horrible rain fall and speeding tickets) but we got there with plenty of time to party

we bar hopped quite a bit but my fave would have to be Coyote Ugly!! that place was awesome. pretty much the second i walk in there the girl working, standing on the bar with a mic in her hand, comes over to me and says "oh you HAVE to get up here girl. there's no way you can walk in looking like that and not get up on this bar"...
...i was really hesitant. as much as i love to dance i can honestly say this was the first time i've ever done it on a bar. i was already a bit drunk so i say what the hell and hop up

so anyway, back to Papa Roach. we get up kind of late the next day

so a few hours go by, a few more kids show up, we're all sitting there and suddenly we here really loud music, it was Time Is Running Out. we look at each other because it sounds really live, Nerdie's like "The techs must just be doing sound check..." i'm like "...but...that's Jacoby's voice...maybe it's just a recording". she says "No, that sounds to live". then, in between lyrics we hear Jacoby scream out "Fuck yeah!!!" we all realize it's them practicing, jump up and start screaming for them

more hours go by, lots more kids are arriving, it's getting close to the time the doors are suppose to open. all the peeps that were there before us are in a group talking, i'm sitting behind them when this dude comes up and ask them something weird like "Did you guys all come together, or did you meet in line?", something like that. they answer him and he walks away. then he comes back and separates them from the rest of the line...we're all like WTF!! we could tell it was something special even though he wouldn't even tell them what it was. and at first we were left out so we were kind of like..yeah...that kind of sucks. not gonna lie, i was on the verge of being a little pissed when the same dude comes back and ask us how many people we have with us. we tell him four, he leaves, comes back and takes us over to the new line too!
so we're all standing there still wondering what the deal is when he finally drops the bomb..."You're going to meet the band"...we all started screaming and jumping, and i guess i must of reacted the most cause EVERYONE was like..."Are you going to be ok" "Don't faint yOyO"...and i kind of did feel like was going to pass out. i don't know why but i honestly have never been so nervous to meet a band before in my life. my hands were shaking and everything

it was amazing though, i was a nervous wreck but they were all really nice

so i finally make my way to Jacoby and he's like "What's up!! I've met you before haven't I??" i could barely find my voice, i say "No, you met some of my friends and they had you guys sign a pic for me. And I made you a Dog Tag" he was like "Oh, you made that one that says Jacoby on it right?" i smiled really big and say "Yeah, that was me, and I have another one for you" and gave him the guitar pick one i sell in my store. he seemed to really like it

after the meet & greet they let us reclaim our front line status so i had an amazing spot for the show. the venue unfortunately did not allow cameras so i have no pics of the guys on stage. but honestly i'm kind of glad i didn't have one, i was able to rock out much harder. and this show was THE BEST Papa Roach show i have ever been to in my life!!!! it was amazing, all the guys were on fire but Jacoby was really amazing in his own right. he was just so much more excited (if that's even possible, hehe), was really REALLY feeding off the crowd, really feeling every emotion...it was amazing to watch. he was dancing a lot more too AND decided to turn around and show us his bare ass

the songs they played were amazing too, like Broken Home, Change Or Die, and Had Enough. songs i hadn't heard live at any other shows. the highlight for me though was when Jacoby came out to the crowd during Between Angels and Insects. he came up to me, grabbed onto my arm, sang to me for a few seconds, then stopped singing mid song and said "What's up yOyO"...!!!!! i almost passed out, seriously my friends were like holding me up. i screamed and jumped all over the place. the most amazing part is i didn't mention my name when i met him earlier that day!! not once. like either he remembered from their website or from when he met my friend Amber and signed the pic for me...i really have no idea. but to call me out in the middle of a song like that...truly amazing. the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me for sure. it made the night, and my first run of Papa Roach shows complete.
i think that's pretty much it

also someone got a vid of when Jacoby gave me a shout out during the show
around min 2:27 it's hard to hear but it's there

*EDIT Sept 22nd* my computer is totally fucked ATM, only lets me online for a little bit at a time. won't be around much until it's all fixed which will hopefully be soon. if you've ordered anything from my store shipping will also be delayed until the problem is fixed. thanks for understanding

LOL that is so funny, I cant believe she made you get up on the bar
LOL that is crazy, you really must have been excited, Im glad you didnt pass out.
It is cool of them to recognize you.
Im really glad he was so nice to you and talk to you during a song.