so i wish i could tell you the above pic is the result of me meeting Papa Roach...but it's not

i went to the show in Ohio a few weeks back. got to my hotel the day before and immediately called the truck drivers i had met at the PA show. ended up having dinner with them then went to a bar along with a member from Saving Abel and their merch guy. it was a pretty crazy experience. i even chilled with one before the show backstage cause my friend pretty much ditched out on coming (showed up right before PR came on). unfortunately i didn't see any of the bands back there but it did score me a front row spot without having to wait hours in line.
Papa Roach was amazing of course, so much energy for every performance they give. i really admire them for that. again, i only got a few good photos

after struggling with my camera for the past few shows i've decided to get a new one. although it can take amazing photos and scored me the photo pass in the past it really sucks most of the time

so after PR got off stage we went to hang by the backstage entrance. didn't see the band but i did see the truck driver again. i gave him a dog tag that i'd made for Jacoby and he said he'd give it to him. a couple days later after i get back home i get a text from my friend Amber who was about to see Papa Roach in GA. "you should be here" the text read "i'm about to meet Jacoby..." of course i curse myself for not making it to the show but asked her to see if he had gotten my dog tag...and he had

all the excitement prompted me to get tickets to another show

besides all the Papa Roach madness i've been a jewelry making machine lately. here are a few of my fave items that are in my store right now
Jar Full Of Stars Necklace

Candy Color Rainbow and Stars Button Charm Necklace

SUGAR POT Punk Rock Skull Handmade Necklace

buy these along with LOTS more from my store Sugar & Spice DIY
and i'm always taking new photos

(like the blue hair?)
keep an eye out...i've got a Dr.Seuss themed photoset i'll be taking of myself for my website yOyO In Wickedland coming soon!
I really hope I do manage to see Papa Roach, I hope I get the chance to when they tour here in October, if anything goes wrong again I may cry, I missed them at download 2007 infact I missed all of download but they were one of few bands I would have loved to see. It took me 5 years to see Avenged and they were amazing I hope it doesn't take me that long to see these guys.
And I love that jar full of stars necklace its pretty damn cute
i just love your style