well, hasn't SGland been full of the drama drama lately
i never participate...i just sit back and watch it unfold, hehe. it shames me to admit how entertaining i find it
anyway, have not been up to much lately. i redid the hair and it took me WEEKS. it was pretty ridiculous but i did have to stop here and there for life and such. and i'm very happy with the way it turned out. i also got a new phone!!
i am addicted to myspace & twitter and couldn't really access them on my old phone. but this one has EVERYTHING. unlimited text, unlimited web access, music, AND t.v. 
and we all know how much i love television
it also matches the new hair perfectly. it's funny because i had my heart set on a Samsung Rant. but my friend Benn works at the Sprint store and when i came in he was like forget about the Rant, i have the perfect phone for you. it just came out yesterday, has everything you want, ...and it's pink. it's the Exclaim and it really is the perfect phone for me, i've barely put it down since i got it.
i'm also getting ready for my next Papa Roach show!! it's about two weeks away in PA. i'm totally excited but it kinda sucks cause the girl i was going with had to back out at the last minute
but the hot boy i met at Rock On The Range a few months ago is probably going to take her place so it's all good. hmm...don't think i've ever posted a pic of him here, his name is Boone, he's really sweet
and even though i'm going with a boy, i cannot hide my excitement for being able to see Jacoby again
hehe. i've been crushing pretty hard and even more so since i got their album the Paramour Sessions. its such an amazing emotional album and it makes me love the band that much more. i'm also hoping for a repeat of the last time and maybe...just maybe, Jacoby will spit in my face again
haha (yes, yes i'm gross). me and Boone will also be going to see them again in August in Ohio.
oh yeah, they just let out a new vid for my fave song off the new album, I Almost Told You That I Loved You. the song is super dirty and so is the vid
watching and hearing it always gets me all hot and bothered
and BTW that IS Jacoby gettin his bare ass slapped with a whip *drools*.
i may also meet up with some PASGs while i'm there! so that'll be fun
i am almost ready to start working on my self shot set. really all i need is a remote for my camera and to practice and will hopefully be ready to submit soon.
other than that not much going on. i am sooooo excited for the new Harry Potter movie but it comes out the day i'll be flying back from PA so i can't do the midnight showing and dress up
but hey i'll be at a Papa Roach show so i can't complain to much. and me and Benn are seeing it the second i get back into town
i guess that's all for now. Ill leave you with a shameless twitter plug
follow my ass
yOyO on Twitter

anyway, have not been up to much lately. i redid the hair and it took me WEEKS. it was pretty ridiculous but i did have to stop here and there for life and such. and i'm very happy with the way it turned out. i also got a new phone!!


i'm also getting ready for my next Papa Roach show!! it's about two weeks away in PA. i'm totally excited but it kinda sucks cause the girl i was going with had to back out at the last minute

and even though i'm going with a boy, i cannot hide my excitement for being able to see Jacoby again

oh yeah, they just let out a new vid for my fave song off the new album, I Almost Told You That I Loved You. the song is super dirty and so is the vid
watching and hearing it always gets me all hot and bothered

i may also meet up with some PASGs while i'm there! so that'll be fun

i am almost ready to start working on my self shot set. really all i need is a remote for my camera and to practice and will hopefully be ready to submit soon.
other than that not much going on. i am sooooo excited for the new Harry Potter movie but it comes out the day i'll be flying back from PA so i can't do the midnight showing and dress up

i guess that's all for now. Ill leave you with a shameless twitter plug

yOyO on Twitter
I think there are like 5 people just in the area that I work that has that phone, they seem to like it.
Every time I plane a event the people that were wanting to go back out on me.
He looks like a cool guy.
I hope the show is amazing.
I hope your set turns out nice.