i've got a new addiction...
since seeing P.Roach live with A7X i have been completely obsessed with this song, i listen to it constantly
i'm also pretty hung up on Last Resort and Getting Away With Murder. they are a really really good band and i'm really glad i got a chance to see them live, i'll totally be checking them out again soon. i was really into them in high school too, but i had barrowed the CD from a friend and when she took it back i never really herd them again. but as soon as i get some cash i'll be picking up Infest in hopes of hearing this hidden track that i know i remember being on there. also can't wait for their new CD coming out March 24th!!
and i'm sure it goes without sayin i totally have a new crush

it's always hard to admit a crush like this cause i always fear people will discount how much i like the music. but really, this boy is amazing...like, i was already in awe after seeing him tear shit up at the two shows i went to. but there was one point where he left the stage and we were so packed in the crowd that us front row kids couldn't see what he was doing. then i found this youtube vid of the show
that shit truly moved me, i have so much respect for a musician that will just give all he has to the crowd. and him climbing that wall and joining all the kids in the seats just fucking rocks. he is totally insane and anyone who has seen them live knows what i'm talking about

(BTW i'm was one of the hands he touched in the beginning of the vid
hehe, just had to throw that in there)
in other news, i got two new tattoos a week ago

both Vengeance University related and i totally love them
it had been about a year since my last one so its been a great feeling getting some new ink. of course i've got lots more planned but money is going to be tight for awhile. i've got the Cali trip coming up in April for my next A7X concert and apartment hunting (finally). i also really want to work the Fangoria out there with SG but not sure if thats going to be possible yet. then i'll be getting tickets to at least two more concerts, Rock On The Range where of course A7X will be playing
and also Papa Roach tickets go on sale tomorrow and like i said in my last blog, i'd see them live again in a heart beat!
and yes all this concert going is making me completely broke...but its more than worth it in my opinion. i love it. i love doing it and its been the only thing that makes me genuinely happy with all the crazy stuff that has been going on the past year. its a huge part of my life and it just feels right and i'm pretty sure i'll be doing it for many years to come

also, cost of living will probably be going down for me soon cause i am probably moving back into my parents house. great thing about that is the rents won't be living there
hehe. it has been empty since the fire and just sitting there in now perfect condition with brand new everything after being fixed. so until i get everything set up in Cali i'll be able to stay there and won't have to pay rent. it's not a for sure yet but it seems like the best plan for me right now so i might be moving within the month!
thats all for now...let me leave you kids with a self portrait, the first time a song has ever really influenced my photography

since seeing P.Roach live with A7X i have been completely obsessed with this song, i listen to it constantly

and i'm sure it goes without sayin i totally have a new crush

it's always hard to admit a crush like this cause i always fear people will discount how much i like the music. but really, this boy is amazing...like, i was already in awe after seeing him tear shit up at the two shows i went to. but there was one point where he left the stage and we were so packed in the crowd that us front row kids couldn't see what he was doing. then i found this youtube vid of the show
that shit truly moved me, i have so much respect for a musician that will just give all he has to the crowd. and him climbing that wall and joining all the kids in the seats just fucking rocks. he is totally insane and anyone who has seen them live knows what i'm talking about

(BTW i'm was one of the hands he touched in the beginning of the vid

in other news, i got two new tattoos a week ago

both Vengeance University related and i totally love them

and yes all this concert going is making me completely broke...but its more than worth it in my opinion. i love it. i love doing it and its been the only thing that makes me genuinely happy with all the crazy stuff that has been going on the past year. its a huge part of my life and it just feels right and i'm pretty sure i'll be doing it for many years to come

also, cost of living will probably be going down for me soon cause i am probably moving back into my parents house. great thing about that is the rents won't be living there

thats all for now...let me leave you kids with a self portrait, the first time a song has ever really influenced my photography

It's really good. I hope they have it in Germany.
Not really that gross considering he's (a) not in your mouth 24/7 and (b) consider the comparative escalation of awkwardness upon hearing your gynecologist saying that same phrase. Down periscope, "Wow, you always smell so good, like cotton candy or cookies." You see, everything's relative.