if you didn't hit up the Hell City Tattoo Convention last weekend then you REALLY missed out on some amazing fun. WOW i met SOOOOOO many great girls from the site, and members as well. i was going to try and wait for other people to blog so i could steal some pics but i'll just add and edit as i find them.
i got there in the afternoon on friday and met up with Jersey and her friend then the first thing we did was hightail it (on foot) to the liquor store so we'd have supplies for the weekend. then i met up with my other roomie Pandie for the first time. one of the sweetest girls i have ever met
she's from New Zealand and had just moved to the US five days earlier!!
at the booth there were tons of other hot ladies i also never had the pleasure of meeting, but by the end of the weekend i actually had everyones name committed to memory which is a HUGE task for me. i NEVER remember people names
so here are the pics, i'll try to name everyone and add a few comments


us with Justin, he was awesome
(half of these pics were taken with his cam)

Monroe, Fatality, and Ginary

Martini, Iso,Tini, Tita

Radeo, Blasian, and Shotgun

Smythe, Evangeline, and Adalae

Vivid and Pistolita

Vivid attacking some lil boy
...then we hit the bar...

Pandie, Me, Erin, Fatality, Ginary, and Martini

Jersey, Sassie, Pandie, and Smythe

Tini joined us

we hung with Justin at the bar too

he let me steal his hat

me and Calamity trapin Jersey

one of Jersey's hot guy friends

me & LiiLii with the Bunny

me and Jersey

Paul Acker (hottest boy at the Con
...can someone say afterparty...

my fave pic of the weekend

me and Pandie

wow, thats all for now. i think you can see the progression of my drunkenness in the last few
and you can expect this many pics if not more for my next blog because i'll be hitting DEMF this weekend, an electronic music fest that happens here every year. if you are in the area you should come out and party with me 
i got there in the afternoon on friday and met up with Jersey and her friend then the first thing we did was hightail it (on foot) to the liquor store so we'd have supplies for the weekend. then i met up with my other roomie Pandie for the first time. one of the sweetest girls i have ever met

at the booth there were tons of other hot ladies i also never had the pleasure of meeting, but by the end of the weekend i actually had everyones name committed to memory which is a HUGE task for me. i NEVER remember people names

so here are the pics, i'll try to name everyone and add a few comments


us with Justin, he was awesome

Monroe, Fatality, and Ginary

Martini, Iso,Tini, Tita

Radeo, Blasian, and Shotgun

Smythe, Evangeline, and Adalae

Vivid and Pistolita

Vivid attacking some lil boy

...then we hit the bar...

Pandie, Me, Erin, Fatality, Ginary, and Martini

Jersey, Sassie, Pandie, and Smythe

Tini joined us

we hung with Justin at the bar too

he let me steal his hat

me and Calamity trapin Jersey

one of Jersey's hot guy friends

me & LiiLii with the Bunny

me and Jersey

Paul Acker (hottest boy at the Con

...can someone say afterparty...

my fave pic of the weekend

me and Pandie

wow, thats all for now. i think you can see the progression of my drunkenness in the last few

I finally updated and you're in my blog! Check it 

Nice meeting you!!!!