Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts...
...thats right people its that time again. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out July 11th. i'll be going to the midnight showing tomorrow decked out in my sexy Slytherin costume i hope to wear in a set on SG some day. yes i am one of the bad guys, a pure blood slytherin all the way. can't wait to see what they have in store for Malfoy
i am to excited for words
(yes i'm a geek

...thats right people its that time again. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix comes out July 11th. i'll be going to the midnight showing tomorrow decked out in my sexy Slytherin costume i hope to wear in a set on SG some day. yes i am one of the bad guys, a pure blood slytherin all the way. can't wait to see what they have in store for Malfoy

i am to excited for words
