I woke up this morning, shot some pics from my laptop in bed, then proceeded to spill warm beer all over the place... Remind me not to pass out cradling both my livelihood and my vice at the same time..
I just realized that at this moment, within the confines of my room, I am running a teamspeak server, connected to a different Teamspeak server, watching TV, watching a movie, listening to tunes, playing Planetside, browsing on my laptop, playing with my new webcam, drinking espresso, drinking a beer, and smoking a cig all at once...
Mom'd be proud =P
Mom'd be proud =P
Just got a new toy today, a little cheap digital camera/web cam. It's advertised specs were worded with deceptive intentions, so it only has half the capabilities that I thought I was paying for. I'm strongly considering doing some nudy pics but I'm not sure its up to the task.. (or me for that matter) =(