Hi there SGers...
long time since i last blogged and i shall try to summarize what has being going on in my life lately...
So a couple of weeks ago i came back to J'lem for the last days of the pesach break and then school... pretty much nothing happened, except for school and more school... came back from the break and i felt as if i had unlearned all my hebrew... but it came back hastily, and the little russian i know is apparently stuck in my head, so although i am not formally learning that language i can drop a phrase here and there and i sometimes understand a phrase or two within conversations...
The 2 minute siren screams in all the country:
so Holocaust remembrance day came by... i was on the bus on the way to downtown J'lem when the siren sang the tune... a 2 minutes siren blow in which the entire country went silent, cars stopped, the bus stopped. and people on the street stood there, no moving... people got out of their cars and stood on the street... and everyone was silent... and then after 2 minutes in which we all stand in silence and look either down or at each other, sharing the moment, remembering, mourning for an entire culture ravaged and deprived of family, friends, loved ones... in my case, aching for the extent to which inhumanity was expressed, regardless of the focus of action... and after those two minutes... everything is silent for a second, not even the siren is yelling to the skies, and people realize is over, is time to continue... and so motion gets into action and cars start, people walk and groups talk... all and all it is an alien like experience... something that cannot be explained to a full extent just with words...
then comes shabbat... a sad shabbat... a shabbat that for no certain reason (from a religious point of view) is special... a shabbat that stands in between Holocaust remembrance and Memorial day (a day for all the fallen in war and in terrorist attacks since Israel became a state basically...) which is a week after Holocaust day and marks the ending frame of a week that i normally feel like a week of mourning, a week that form me begins with the 2 minute siren filling the air in Holocaust day and ends a couple of hours after the 1 minute siren of Memorial day... 2 alien like experiences a week apart, twice in seven days people get the impression that the world stops for a little while and get a chance to reflect upon that, upon feelings, upon their own lives... for me it is a week of general sadness, general lack of energy and motivation, not that it is a bad thing, it is also a week of reflection upon myself, my family and my life, for some reason this week it has always been important to me, maybe more than any other... i tend to disregard my "normal" pace of life on this week and focus on other things...
and then the 1 minute siren for the fallen is over
again that split second of silence comes into my soul, and the world is in motion again... i keep talking with my friends in downtown J'lem and we go for breakfast, slowly the rhythm of life gets faster, people start smiling with ease... and everyone is preparing for what comes tonight, after this week long mourn... Independence day, an evening that starts on the same day that Memorial day... a day that shifts from a day of sadness to a day of energetic boost, of party in the streets, of smiles and street dancing, of 7 years old kids running amok in the streets with cans of foam just foaming everyone, of people gathering to party and have a good time.
and that is how i want to remember this day and the night that precedes it, the night of the party, the night of smiling again after a hard time...
Sadly that cannot be entirely true... an idiot had to ruin the night... i ask... how much damage can one person create in one evening?
we started the night by making dinner for a group of us, we cooked rice, kebab and peppers, had some drinks, before we headed downtown... so we are at the dorms... and there is this guy that basically is a serial cockblocker... every time he sees someone hitting on a girl, or knows that someone likes a girl he just goes and starts messing with the girl in a really piggish way, and talks shit about the guy, even in front of the guy...
so we are at our little bbq/grill dinner and this guy comes along and starts hugging and trying t poke with his crotch a friend of mine... she is kind of building a relationship with another friend of mine, and he was there too... we are basically all friends in the dorms, and we know the guy is a little asshole, but up t last night he had done nothing as serious as what ensued... so my friend (the guy) gets pissed of and my friend (the gal) bails and goes to her room for a while, then she came back and just stayed between us, we were like a pack taking care of not letting this guy into the inner circle... then we all go out downtown... we are waiting for the bus, and he gets to the bus with us... on the bus he goes up to this other friend who is talking to this chick... and he starts to speak loudly about "bitches" and saying really unfitting nasty things, and after all of that he goes and starts rubbing his hands on the girl thigh... funny thing the girl put a stop to it, fast...
we get downtown... everyone heads up to party while i stay behind with my ucranian muse, with whom things are going better... we are waiting for her flatmate to come, because they are both going to Tel-aviv to party... so we are there on the street, hugging, talking... and this guy comes along and starts grabbing her legs and rubbing her thighs... now... it is not really my place to say shit since she is really outgoing, they are friends, there is no formality between us and everything was sort of ok... but it got to the point when the guy just took his hand up to high and she told him no, asked me to help and i basically kicked him away, told him to piss off, and managed not to draw blood (hard thing by the way as i was about to just shatter his adam's apple... so he tries to patch things up and says that i am not a good friend because i choose tits over his friendship... i tell him to piss off and that we shall talk tomorrow if anything... he goes and says we are not friends anymore, so i wished him a good night, a nice life, and bid him farewell... he kept getting in my face... i dared him to lay a hand on me... he just kept yelling... like a puddle... so we ignored him and he finally walked away... then later that night i discover that he grabbed another girl, he lift her by grabbing her ass, got into an argument with the boyfriend and grabbed the girl's tits... in front of my friends, who know the couple... so my friend almost got into a fight with him... the couple got into an argument, they were both drunk, ended splitting up and the guy got uber drunk, depressed and borderline suicidal... so my friends got to be on the phone until 5 am.... sucks...
so this guy basically managed to sexually harass 4 girls (that i know of), got into a small fight with me, almost got his ass kicked another two times, and pissed off all of his so called friends in one night.... I think that is how much damage one single person can do in a happy night....
meanwhile my leg is a lot better, the tat is healed and i cannot wait for another session... i think next weekend...
the job opportunity is still on the horizon... i just need to finish this course in J'lem and go back to Rishon to see what ensues on that field... i can't wait to get out of this city and back to my town, ocean close and with family and friends... and get payed... my bank account is reaching 0... as my savings are pretty much gone and i have being spending money as crazy since pesach...
school is ok... i'm getting ready for the psychometric test in july and i feel great about it... the only thing bugging me now is that i have to write a summary on Metzada (or Masada, some call it) in hebrew, basically i need to chop and rewrite the article on hebrew wikipedia about it, but i just cannot get the hang of it, every time i try i go blank and it is frustrating me... i need this done badly and after that i need to create a ppt presentation with the summary... is kind of a little project towards the final grades for the course in hebrew... any takers? anyone want to help?
i will probably get it done by next sunday.... a week later than i had to... but i just couldn't do it, maybe it was the mourning week, but i will definitely hope i can get it done by then...
The situation in Mexico: i don't know much of what's going up there... i know about the swine flu, the dead, i heard there was an earthquake.... but i have no details... so if anyone wants to give me details i would greatly appreciate that... i know my family is ok, and i hope my friends are too... haven't heard from them in a while...
I honestly hope everyone is fine... take care...
i hope everyone is having a good time in their lives, and enjoys it every second...
i'm out to Ramat-gan for the day... party, bday of a friend, BBQ and Grill...
Hugs and kisses t anyone who wants them...
long time since i last blogged and i shall try to summarize what has being going on in my life lately...
So a couple of weeks ago i came back to J'lem for the last days of the pesach break and then school... pretty much nothing happened, except for school and more school... came back from the break and i felt as if i had unlearned all my hebrew... but it came back hastily, and the little russian i know is apparently stuck in my head, so although i am not formally learning that language i can drop a phrase here and there and i sometimes understand a phrase or two within conversations...
The 2 minute siren screams in all the country:
so Holocaust remembrance day came by... i was on the bus on the way to downtown J'lem when the siren sang the tune... a 2 minutes siren blow in which the entire country went silent, cars stopped, the bus stopped. and people on the street stood there, no moving... people got out of their cars and stood on the street... and everyone was silent... and then after 2 minutes in which we all stand in silence and look either down or at each other, sharing the moment, remembering, mourning for an entire culture ravaged and deprived of family, friends, loved ones... in my case, aching for the extent to which inhumanity was expressed, regardless of the focus of action... and after those two minutes... everything is silent for a second, not even the siren is yelling to the skies, and people realize is over, is time to continue... and so motion gets into action and cars start, people walk and groups talk... all and all it is an alien like experience... something that cannot be explained to a full extent just with words...
then comes shabbat... a sad shabbat... a shabbat that for no certain reason (from a religious point of view) is special... a shabbat that stands in between Holocaust remembrance and Memorial day (a day for all the fallen in war and in terrorist attacks since Israel became a state basically...) which is a week after Holocaust day and marks the ending frame of a week that i normally feel like a week of mourning, a week that form me begins with the 2 minute siren filling the air in Holocaust day and ends a couple of hours after the 1 minute siren of Memorial day... 2 alien like experiences a week apart, twice in seven days people get the impression that the world stops for a little while and get a chance to reflect upon that, upon feelings, upon their own lives... for me it is a week of general sadness, general lack of energy and motivation, not that it is a bad thing, it is also a week of reflection upon myself, my family and my life, for some reason this week it has always been important to me, maybe more than any other... i tend to disregard my "normal" pace of life on this week and focus on other things...
and then the 1 minute siren for the fallen is over
again that split second of silence comes into my soul, and the world is in motion again... i keep talking with my friends in downtown J'lem and we go for breakfast, slowly the rhythm of life gets faster, people start smiling with ease... and everyone is preparing for what comes tonight, after this week long mourn... Independence day, an evening that starts on the same day that Memorial day... a day that shifts from a day of sadness to a day of energetic boost, of party in the streets, of smiles and street dancing, of 7 years old kids running amok in the streets with cans of foam just foaming everyone, of people gathering to party and have a good time.
and that is how i want to remember this day and the night that precedes it, the night of the party, the night of smiling again after a hard time...
Sadly that cannot be entirely true... an idiot had to ruin the night... i ask... how much damage can one person create in one evening?
we started the night by making dinner for a group of us, we cooked rice, kebab and peppers, had some drinks, before we headed downtown... so we are at the dorms... and there is this guy that basically is a serial cockblocker... every time he sees someone hitting on a girl, or knows that someone likes a girl he just goes and starts messing with the girl in a really piggish way, and talks shit about the guy, even in front of the guy...
so we are at our little bbq/grill dinner and this guy comes along and starts hugging and trying t poke with his crotch a friend of mine... she is kind of building a relationship with another friend of mine, and he was there too... we are basically all friends in the dorms, and we know the guy is a little asshole, but up t last night he had done nothing as serious as what ensued... so my friend (the guy) gets pissed of and my friend (the gal) bails and goes to her room for a while, then she came back and just stayed between us, we were like a pack taking care of not letting this guy into the inner circle... then we all go out downtown... we are waiting for the bus, and he gets to the bus with us... on the bus he goes up to this other friend who is talking to this chick... and he starts to speak loudly about "bitches" and saying really unfitting nasty things, and after all of that he goes and starts rubbing his hands on the girl thigh... funny thing the girl put a stop to it, fast...
we get downtown... everyone heads up to party while i stay behind with my ucranian muse, with whom things are going better... we are waiting for her flatmate to come, because they are both going to Tel-aviv to party... so we are there on the street, hugging, talking... and this guy comes along and starts grabbing her legs and rubbing her thighs... now... it is not really my place to say shit since she is really outgoing, they are friends, there is no formality between us and everything was sort of ok... but it got to the point when the guy just took his hand up to high and she told him no, asked me to help and i basically kicked him away, told him to piss off, and managed not to draw blood (hard thing by the way as i was about to just shatter his adam's apple... so he tries to patch things up and says that i am not a good friend because i choose tits over his friendship... i tell him to piss off and that we shall talk tomorrow if anything... he goes and says we are not friends anymore, so i wished him a good night, a nice life, and bid him farewell... he kept getting in my face... i dared him to lay a hand on me... he just kept yelling... like a puddle... so we ignored him and he finally walked away... then later that night i discover that he grabbed another girl, he lift her by grabbing her ass, got into an argument with the boyfriend and grabbed the girl's tits... in front of my friends, who know the couple... so my friend almost got into a fight with him... the couple got into an argument, they were both drunk, ended splitting up and the guy got uber drunk, depressed and borderline suicidal... so my friends got to be on the phone until 5 am.... sucks...
so this guy basically managed to sexually harass 4 girls (that i know of), got into a small fight with me, almost got his ass kicked another two times, and pissed off all of his so called friends in one night.... I think that is how much damage one single person can do in a happy night....
meanwhile my leg is a lot better, the tat is healed and i cannot wait for another session... i think next weekend...
the job opportunity is still on the horizon... i just need to finish this course in J'lem and go back to Rishon to see what ensues on that field... i can't wait to get out of this city and back to my town, ocean close and with family and friends... and get payed... my bank account is reaching 0... as my savings are pretty much gone and i have being spending money as crazy since pesach...
school is ok... i'm getting ready for the psychometric test in july and i feel great about it... the only thing bugging me now is that i have to write a summary on Metzada (or Masada, some call it) in hebrew, basically i need to chop and rewrite the article on hebrew wikipedia about it, but i just cannot get the hang of it, every time i try i go blank and it is frustrating me... i need this done badly and after that i need to create a ppt presentation with the summary... is kind of a little project towards the final grades for the course in hebrew... any takers? anyone want to help?

i will probably get it done by next sunday.... a week later than i had to... but i just couldn't do it, maybe it was the mourning week, but i will definitely hope i can get it done by then...
The situation in Mexico: i don't know much of what's going up there... i know about the swine flu, the dead, i heard there was an earthquake.... but i have no details... so if anyone wants to give me details i would greatly appreciate that... i know my family is ok, and i hope my friends are too... haven't heard from them in a while...
I honestly hope everyone is fine... take care...
i hope everyone is having a good time in their lives, and enjoys it every second...
i'm out to Ramat-gan for the day... party, bday of a friend, BBQ and Grill...
Hugs and kisses t anyone who wants them...

jajaja a ese estupido... en fin ...
Por aca las cosas estan bien a pesar de todo lo que se dice, es ms el miedo que quiere crear el gobierno... ya casi nadie trae cubrebocas y salimos todos los dias d ivertirnos.. almenos yo y mis amigos y ninguno tiene influenza ni nada... jajaja
Un besote!!!!
Yo no s si estarn por aqu... espero que s y que tenga dinero! jaja xD
Cmo has estado? =D