Ok.... finally home after another week in J'lem... this week sucked... Sunday i went to class... nothing rare there... we were told we had tests, both in hebrew and english on Thursday.... then i got cold and sick and missed class Monday and Tuesday (Key material reviewed for the hebrew test) then the day after that i had no class as my social sciences course starts only next week... so basically i just lay in bed for 2 days, and the day i got better i have nothing to do but a bunch of homework and lots of study... which procrastination managed to trump...
on the bright side i did my laundry finally... the marker for laundry to be done is no more clean underwear... at least that's in my book, what about yours?
Then me doing what i always do... i studied... russian... so no hebrew vocab improvement, but i now understand most of the russian alphabet, although my knowledge of the meanings is meaningless...
got tattooed today... the octopus is one session short of being done and a little sea turtle on the background was filled in...
.... my foot is on fire, and my chest and shoulders hurt because i have been excer-seizing lately...
And finally... to answer JohnnyU request in JB blog...
100 Truths!
1. Last beverage water..... always water....
2. Last phone call Rudi... i borrowed the shaving machine to undo the mohawk....
3. Last text message Vitor... to see where is the party tonight...
4. Last song you listened to ace Everett - Bad Things...
5. Last time you cried About 3 hours ago when the needles touched my bones...
6. Dated someone twice nope... pretty much when it's over it's over...
7. Been cheated on? yep... she was married and i didn't know....
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? .....i pledge the 5th....
9. Lost someone special? my grandfather was my hero... he left us 14 years ago... it took me almost ten years to overcome that....
10. Been depressed? borderline clinical..... ink, ocean and meditation got me through
11. Been drunk? shitfaced? maybe twice.... alcohol is not my poison....
12. blue
13. green
14. black / white (yeah... 2 of them... so what....
15. Made new friends I think so... yes....
16. Fallen out of love I think i will never fall out of love... i'm always in love... that my love has in fact no object of attention at the moment is irrelevant...
17. Laughed until you cried almost everyday.....
18. Met someone who changed you I met this old guy who turned me into a smurf...
19. Found out who your true friends were I have know for quite some time... i'm that fortunate.... unfortunately as the ever loving freak i am i always give the benefit of the doubt to all new acquaintances...
20. Found out someone was talking about you i really don't care....
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list yep....
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life SG: 1, hoping to change that... FB: almost everyone....227 out of 228, in fact the one person i haven't met in person yet is a friend of mine in this site to.... XD
23. How many kids do you want to have One.... maybe two.... then again i will settle for a penguin....
24. Do you have any pets A cat named dog....
25. Do you want to change your name Maybe drop my middle name...
26. What did you do for your last birthday Week long party.... joint bday and purim celebration...
27. What time did you wake up today 5am....i needed to be in rishon at 8.... and still had to pack my bags and sort some things beforehand...
28. What were you doing at midnight last night hang out with friends... eavesdropping on their russian conversations...
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for master hebrew, russian and japanese....
30. Last time you saw your father November 12, 2008.... when he said goodbye to me at the bus to Mexico city's airport...
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life Be a better money administrator...
32. What are you listening to right now to the birds in the garden...
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom yep... a friend of mine here in rishon....
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? the fire inside my right foot...
36. Whats your real name Nimrod
38. Zodiac sign Pisces / Dog
39. Male or female Male.... although the species is yet to be classified....
40. Elementary Italy for 2 years... then 3 different ones in Mexico.... i'm a true nomadic jew...
41. Middle School 3 different ones... one for each year....
42. High school Open high school at the end....
43. Hair color brown... ish....
44. Long or short bold > long > mohawk > bald > long > mohawk.....
45. Height 188 cm.... in american terms.... 6'3''
46. Do you have a crush on someone? quite a few actually... but badly there is one....
47. What do you like about yourself? the randomness.... everything... nothing.... workin' on it....
48. Piercings none... had my tongue... but that bored me...
49. Tattoos 5.... half a sleeve (right)... boot (right / unfinished).... wrist (inner / right).... calf (left).... shin (left / upper)
50. Righty or lefty righty
51. First surgery 6 years old... appendicitis...
52. First piercing 21 (tongue)
53. First tattoo 21... celtic tree of life... upper left shin...
54. First best friend Mike & Marco
55. First sport you joined Roleplaying?
56. First pet Belgium shepherd.... Blacky... awesome dog....
57. First vacation remembered I was about 3 and parents took us to Mexico... the only thing i do remember is being present at some dinner party inside a boat / yacht (allegedly in acapulco)
58. First concert local bands north of Mexico city... age 14/15
59. First crush Nahamin....
60. First alcohol drink age 9.... didn't like it
61. Eating i just ate fish, broccoli, and shrooms...
62. Drinking still water
63. I'm about to take a shower
64. Listening to birds in the garden
65. Waiting for 9 pm.... see if i'm not to tired to go partying in ramat gan
66. Want kids? as stated early.... 2 or penguins....
67. Want to get married? live together i'm totally down with..... marriage... a far maybe....
68. Careers in mind? movie translator.... elite tour guide.... professional backpacker... published writer or something to do with external affairs, social sciences and languages....
69. Lips or eyes i'm an eye guy
70. Hugs or kisses cuddling
71. Shorter or taller shorter
72. Older or Younger ???
73. Romantic or spontaneous both
74. Nice stomach or nice arms eyes.....
75. Tattoos or piercings doesn't matter
76. Sensitive or loud honest
77. Hook-up or relationship relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant decisive
79. Kissed a stranger yep
80. Drank hard liquor is this for real? yes.... i just don't get drunk.....
81. Lost glasses/contacts perfect vision
82. Sex on first date only once.... i really prefer to know someone before... really!
83. Broken someone's heart dunno.... mine is scarred
84. Had your own heart broken shot at...
85. Been arrested? nop.... intelligent offender here....
86. Turned someone down yep... i'm not into drunken harassment...
87. Cried when someone died badly
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex?: i have no problem judging aesthetics
89. Yourself everyday a little bit more
90. Miracles of course
91. Love at first sight gaze into the darkness
92. Heaven not quite...
93. Santa Claus Satan claws?
94. Kissing on the first date? no problemo....
95. Angels everyone is free willed....
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? my friends
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? yes... but it has to be out in the open... all parties knowledgeable....
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yes, in action.... thoughts are private and deviant
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? nature....
100. hoping other people do this? at least one....
now i rush to the shower... see you later SGland....
on the bright side i did my laundry finally... the marker for laundry to be done is no more clean underwear... at least that's in my book, what about yours?
Then me doing what i always do... i studied... russian... so no hebrew vocab improvement, but i now understand most of the russian alphabet, although my knowledge of the meanings is meaningless...
got tattooed today... the octopus is one session short of being done and a little sea turtle on the background was filled in...

And finally... to answer JohnnyU request in JB blog...
100 Truths!
1. Last beverage water..... always water....
2. Last phone call Rudi... i borrowed the shaving machine to undo the mohawk....
3. Last text message Vitor... to see where is the party tonight...
4. Last song you listened to ace Everett - Bad Things...
5. Last time you cried About 3 hours ago when the needles touched my bones...
6. Dated someone twice nope... pretty much when it's over it's over...
7. Been cheated on? yep... she was married and i didn't know....
8. Kissed someone & regretted it? .....i pledge the 5th....
9. Lost someone special? my grandfather was my hero... he left us 14 years ago... it took me almost ten years to overcome that....
10. Been depressed? borderline clinical..... ink, ocean and meditation got me through
11. Been drunk? shitfaced? maybe twice.... alcohol is not my poison....
12. blue
13. green
14. black / white (yeah... 2 of them... so what....

15. Made new friends I think so... yes....
16. Fallen out of love I think i will never fall out of love... i'm always in love... that my love has in fact no object of attention at the moment is irrelevant...
17. Laughed until you cried almost everyday.....
18. Met someone who changed you I met this old guy who turned me into a smurf...
19. Found out who your true friends were I have know for quite some time... i'm that fortunate.... unfortunately as the ever loving freak i am i always give the benefit of the doubt to all new acquaintances...
20. Found out someone was talking about you i really don't care....
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list yep....
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life SG: 1, hoping to change that... FB: almost everyone....227 out of 228, in fact the one person i haven't met in person yet is a friend of mine in this site to.... XD
23. How many kids do you want to have One.... maybe two.... then again i will settle for a penguin....
24. Do you have any pets A cat named dog....
25. Do you want to change your name Maybe drop my middle name...
26. What did you do for your last birthday Week long party.... joint bday and purim celebration...

27. What time did you wake up today 5am....i needed to be in rishon at 8.... and still had to pack my bags and sort some things beforehand...
28. What were you doing at midnight last night hang out with friends... eavesdropping on their russian conversations...

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for master hebrew, russian and japanese....
30. Last time you saw your father November 12, 2008.... when he said goodbye to me at the bus to Mexico city's airport...
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life Be a better money administrator...
32. What are you listening to right now to the birds in the garden...
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom yep... a friend of mine here in rishon....
34. What's getting on your nerves right now? the fire inside my right foot...
36. Whats your real name Nimrod
38. Zodiac sign Pisces / Dog
39. Male or female Male.... although the species is yet to be classified....
40. Elementary Italy for 2 years... then 3 different ones in Mexico.... i'm a true nomadic jew...
41. Middle School 3 different ones... one for each year....
42. High school Open high school at the end....
43. Hair color brown... ish....
44. Long or short bold > long > mohawk > bald > long > mohawk.....
45. Height 188 cm.... in american terms.... 6'3''
46. Do you have a crush on someone? quite a few actually... but badly there is one....
47. What do you like about yourself? the randomness.... everything... nothing.... workin' on it....
48. Piercings none... had my tongue... but that bored me...
49. Tattoos 5.... half a sleeve (right)... boot (right / unfinished).... wrist (inner / right).... calf (left).... shin (left / upper)
50. Righty or lefty righty
51. First surgery 6 years old... appendicitis...
52. First piercing 21 (tongue)
53. First tattoo 21... celtic tree of life... upper left shin...
54. First best friend Mike & Marco
55. First sport you joined Roleplaying?
56. First pet Belgium shepherd.... Blacky... awesome dog....
57. First vacation remembered I was about 3 and parents took us to Mexico... the only thing i do remember is being present at some dinner party inside a boat / yacht (allegedly in acapulco)
58. First concert local bands north of Mexico city... age 14/15
59. First crush Nahamin....
60. First alcohol drink age 9.... didn't like it
61. Eating i just ate fish, broccoli, and shrooms...
62. Drinking still water
63. I'm about to take a shower
64. Listening to birds in the garden
65. Waiting for 9 pm.... see if i'm not to tired to go partying in ramat gan
66. Want kids? as stated early.... 2 or penguins....
67. Want to get married? live together i'm totally down with..... marriage... a far maybe....
68. Careers in mind? movie translator.... elite tour guide.... professional backpacker... published writer or something to do with external affairs, social sciences and languages....
69. Lips or eyes i'm an eye guy
70. Hugs or kisses cuddling
71. Shorter or taller shorter
72. Older or Younger ???
73. Romantic or spontaneous both
74. Nice stomach or nice arms eyes.....
75. Tattoos or piercings doesn't matter
76. Sensitive or loud honest
77. Hook-up or relationship relationship
78. Trouble maker or hesitant decisive
79. Kissed a stranger yep
80. Drank hard liquor is this for real? yes.... i just don't get drunk.....
81. Lost glasses/contacts perfect vision
82. Sex on first date only once.... i really prefer to know someone before... really!
83. Broken someone's heart dunno.... mine is scarred
84. Had your own heart broken shot at...
85. Been arrested? nop.... intelligent offender here....

86. Turned someone down yep... i'm not into drunken harassment...
87. Cried when someone died badly
88. Liked a friend that was the same sex?: i have no problem judging aesthetics
89. Yourself everyday a little bit more
90. Miracles of course
91. Love at first sight gaze into the darkness
92. Heaven not quite...
93. Santa Claus Satan claws?
94. Kissing on the first date? no problemo....
95. Angels everyone is free willed....
96. Is there one person you want to be with right now? my friends
97. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? yes... but it has to be out in the open... all parties knowledgeable....
98. Do you believe its possible to remain faithful forever? yes, in action.... thoughts are private and deviant
99. What's the one thing you cannot live without? nature....
100. hoping other people do this? at least one....

now i rush to the shower... see you later SGland....
and eilat could be fun...except your lovely JB has a huuuge fear of open water...like massive fear of swimming w/ the fishies...which sucks b/c i'd like to go scuba diving...one of these days i guess...bah.
and procrastination sucks. the exams are taking me longer than i thought. people are stupid.
i thought it wouldn't take so long, but that is b/c i managed to hit a small section where people were smart...now i am hitting dumb people...there are a lot of not-so-smart people out there....