Ok... test is over and i'm back in rishon... home sweet home... i finished first the test and kind of stalked the teacher until she graded the paper out of boredom as everyone else had not finished at that point... i was sweating cold and really anxious.... the grade?

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I GOT A 90..... a fraking.... 90....

is she flirting with me?...
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que bieeeeen!!! biggrin felicidades!!! blush kiss
i misses you!!! you need to post something soon as i am going through some serious withdrawal.

this next paper is actually relatively easy. i have all the research (except for my examples but i can get them on the fly as i write) i just need to stop being lazy. but i am anyway..oh well. all-nighters are becoming my new "thing" of choice wink

last time i was in netanya was in october i think, i went there for dinner w/ joual and his dad at some restaraunt right by the huuuuge fountain.

purim is crazy in j'lem. i was there last year for it b/c the day after purim i had to be at hadassah hospital b/c i was donating bone marrow. it's great though. i have my pics from last year smile

update me soon darlin smile
so sleep deprivation took its toll... the day before yesterday i slept like 11 hours and yesterday i slept another 8... nice thing to do... but got no study and no homework done for 2 days... i'm fucked... and i have a test tomorrow.... i need to go study....

my body feels great and rested but my mind is still in overdrive zombie mode...

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Now THAT was a study break!!!!!!

Good luck on test!
no, don't undo your aliyah frown

do you watch true blood too? it makes me laugh, it's kinda fucked up.

i know what you mean though about getting sleep but it fucking over your study schedule - i tend to do that quite a bit myself.

but like you wrote to me, i am sure you will do fine and any stressing about it is normal. so, in the end, i will tell you how i did and you will tell me how you did and i am sure, in the end, we will both kick massive ass on our respective exams and then kick ourselves in the ass for being stressed about it all.

and then we will have a nice strong drink...alcohol mandatory wink

and zombies are fun...hehehe.
How is this for a weird moment?

ok... so i was placidly roaming around in J'lem and the rain got me into a building.... guess who was there surrounded by a couple of bodyguards?


Lord of the rings: The fellowship of the ring
Lord of the rings: The two towers
Lord of the rings: The return of the king
Green street elite...
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Sometimes it's hard to tell when reality corsses into surrealism! with me!!!

biggrin surreal biggrin surreal biggrin surreal biggrin surreal
mmmm...possibility of a party...might be the only thing to get me outta my damn apt...lol.

did you watch the latest episode (16) of big bang theory? you need to...stat. it's really, like, amazing. you need to preach the show to everyone you know and if they don't watch it, tell 'em JB will kick some ass smile
Sooooo another week goes by....
weekend... rest... sleep.... good bed....

i'm tired... i have been sleeping about 4 hours a day for the past 2 weeks... and it is starting to take its toll...

classes are great... lot of pressure, lots of studying and learning, but also lots of homework... my homework for this weekend alone is to read a 100 page book in hebrew,...
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h hun, if the mindgames are getting to you, you shouldn't have to feel like a puppet on a string...or w/ some one's hand shoved up your ass (which might probably hurt)...focus on school for now i think, as i am sure crazy girl will still be around after. if you can have her stop mindfucking you, and just have that chemistry, fantastic! you're an awesome person smile
Ucranian gal is... wow... love Yes, you're fucked... tongue

Got more ink in my right foot yesterday... couldn't bare the pain and we stopped after 3 hours more or less, the octopus is coming along great, and the next session which i reckon will be in about a month will be probably the most painful since the objective on that will be to finish the foot and maybe start the corals on the...
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Hartos abrazos bro! Necesito hablar contigo, a ver si te veo en skype pronto... biggrin
oh no...what happened w/ the siren??? does some chick need a beat down wink

was going to go to school today to get reading done, figured i can do it in a cafe as well and would rather spend bus money on coffee then...well...bus money.

i just need the 8th to get here and then everything is done and i promise to no longer be master procrastinator.....just a slight one.

i am not a huuuge fan of arak - maybe b/c i am not a fan of black licorice, but oh well. i actually didn't drink beer til i moved here but all the people my age at the mercaz klita who made aliyah were guys, so i got used to drinking beer.

what is your exam on?

thanks for the comment on the pic...that was in the hotel room, we were goofing off and she just did my hair and makeup.
the wi-fi still has selective user disorder, but it seems that my laptop is on the winners circle for 2 days in a row biggrin

classes are insane... lots of hours of language structure classes which is challenging to me since i speak on instinct for me it's natural and i never really stopped to analyze those things... and now is all day of tenses...
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hey you! how are your hebrew classes going???
i think the first thing anyone learns in any language is how to curse...well, that and how to count to 3...i can do that much in a bunch of different languages..haha. it's fun, i can pretend i know how to speak them, but really, not so much.
has the internet been tempermental lately?
handed in 3 papers this week totaling over 50 pages of complete BS...so we shall see. still have 2 more exams, a test to proctor and a test to take. no vacation for JB.
i hope you are having a good weekend hun and i hear from you soon smile
orale, bueno al menos estabas ocupado, pero al rato te desquitas tongue
Sooo... classes started today... seems it will be a hard road of 5 hours a day hebrew + mixed english, computer, and sociology/history/culture courses... so virtual life is on hold for a while... also the internet at the dorms suck... big time... and the router keeps having selective user disorder... and now it seems to have chosen me biggrin blah!

the weekend was good... mild... but...
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"Selective user disorder" me encant el trmino!!! biggrin Have fun ese!
El 13 de poca madre, el 14, para variar y no perder costumbre, intrascendente as always... biggrin
Well... back home from the dorms... already...

i spent the night in J'lem and i got to say it was mostly boring... the internet doesn't work right... seems the wireless router randomly denies access to computers or something so some people can use the net and others don't... my pc being one of the denied... oh and the net has a password that no worker...
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orale hay tanto que no se sobre fechas macabras, siempre es muy bueno tener la info biggrin
your welcome wink

and i promise you will get some cool-as-fuck response (like i'd do any less) once i finish this paper. i have 1/4th done...lol.

BBT is awesome!
ok... i am now officially in J'lem... beit canada dorms... room 1505 if anyone wants to come by... i am going to spend the weekend here... see what is it like to be in J'lem for sabbath... any ideas?

sunday i start class... finally... 9 am...

i don't think i'll be able to log in or that often now as the net signal is non...
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mmm....dorming...how i miss those days but not so much...lol.
i am sure you will find what to do for shabbat smile
and who cares about what is generally frowned upon...be like, "yea, bitches? so what. i'm cool. you're not. the end." and then stick out your tongue and give them the middle finger wink
enjoy your weekend hun.
maybe if you start acting crazy, you know - babbling to yourself, yelling randomly and people AND things, and twitch, people will leave the lobby and you can do what you want wink
So raised hell at today... and they finally fixed the computer glitch and the clerks desk that kept showing my papers as not found... and tomorrow morning i will be going to the dorms in J'lem finally... i maybe just go there to leave some stuff and come back home for the evening... and then moving to the dorms the day after... or maybe i...
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yea for the glitch being fixed and everything? are you doing the ulpan at the university? my friend is going to the one in the university and went into j'lem tonight to make sure shit was set up.

i am probably already vegetarian as the only time i tend to eat meat these days is when joual is home. and i know that could be taken in a clearly sexual way (it even makes me giggle) but you know what i mean wink
i have no idea what the hell is going on w/ elections...seriously. it's playground politics at its finest..really. they say nothing will be for sure for another 2 days or so. here's hoping that bibi passes tzipi. let's also hope lieberman doesn't align w/ tzipi though i think he is doing it just so likud will ask for him to join likud's coalition, but really, who the hell knows. it's completely a three ring circus.

i think my friend is doing the ulpan at hebrew university...i am not sure. i will find out. i heard rumors that they closed/are planning to close beit canada. i guess it is lasting a bit longer. the jewish agency is starting to shut down ulpans/mecaz klitot in order for people to do more in-community absorption. on the one hand i get it, but for elderly people or people our age, where it takes a bit longer to figure out what the hell you are doing and where you are going, the centers are really good places to start out.

i stream shows from the US using either project free tv or surf the channel. both are good and keep up to date (usually a day or 2 behind) w/ when the show was put on in the US.

but i love big bang theory and i am glad it is doing well smile

and tea one of these days sound's fabulous.

ok.... so after spending another day procrastinating my life and logging in every few minutes to the app thingy previously mentioned i decided it's time to cut some of them out... so good bye to demon wars, mafia wars, jetman, cities and pet society...
spacebook app cold turkey... XD
in other news i got a letter from uni today... so it seems that there is...
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mmmm....expired vanilla pudding....nothing better smile

i just got into baking over the summer...i was jobless (though i was on the hunt, hardcore), alone in the apt (both roommates were still in the US), and literally nothing to do...and i had a huuuuuge bag of m&ms from the states which resulted in like 6+ dozen cookies. most went to feed soldiers....lol. i also experimented w/ pies, cakes and muffins. i still think i like cooking more...you can play around w/ the recipe a bit more than you can w/ baking and often times...bigger mess smile
but at least i know i can do a bit of both...
when does your ulpan class start?
university bureaucracy...it's the same no matter what f'ing country you go to...lovely.....
for purim? i dunno. last year i was in j'lem A) b/c it is j'lem for purim and that shit can be fucked up (in a good way) and B) the day after, i was donating bone marrow at en-kerem hospital so i needed to be in the vicinity of said hospital anyway. but this year? i don't even know when it is but watch me have some assignment or crap like that to do. such is my life. i just like purim for the hamentaschen. hell, every holiday either has some kind of special food or is characterized by having no food at all. such are the jews i guess wink
Well everything ready for my moving to J'lem... next sunday i start school again after months of doing nothing academic... so really looking forward to it
not a lot has happened in totem land... got new wardrobe to replace to previous burnt one and mostly stayed at home watching the downloads bar got closer to a 100% on the third season of Dexter... so far...
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