Fairs is the topic of my journal tonight...... We all went to the Acton fair tonight its a lil town fair about 20 min away from the town we live in it was awsome not because i had fun but becuase my kids were amazed about everything there , from the cows to the rides to the ice cream.... I absoutly love seeing my beautiful kids have fun... my daughter went on a ride for the fist time all by herself ommfg i was sooooooooo nervouse but u should have seen her she did not have a care in the world she was so amazed......... nights like tonight make u see why u had children especaily in a world that we are living in today for a moment they take all that bad things that happen away...... well thats about all love ya'll

That is fucking great that a good time was had by all babe. So you say you look good in hoodies? I bet you look fucking good in anything Red. I'm just jamming out to Ozzy. I'm getting wicked tired. I think I"m gonna crash. Eight hour shift tomorrow and then I"m going to do a twelve hour shift on Sunday. I"m fucking glad to hear the family had a great time. When I grew up in New Jersey we had a saying. " Never fuck your friends, never fuck your family and you will never be fucked." L8er beautiful. I'll talk to you soon. Maybe one day you shall get a fucking Yahoo IM account, its free and all, and then we can chat. Give Spedfish a great big wicked hug. I'm going to curl into bed with my Goth girl...................L8er...........Aj