Well like um i was not sick today THANK GOD because well my son his name is Cadence and well he is like umm i dont realy know how to put it so u can understand....... well i call him my "spedfish" that is a term in all loving manner i gave him because he is 3 years old but his development is of a 1 year old wich is totaly not like my fault or his fault and "spedfish" is my loving name for him i have names for all my lil devils but anyways today we went to his new school that he starts in sept infact sept 7th is when he starts......that was at 11 this morning so that was a good thing that i was not sick..... i am so proud of him he went in there and met all his teachers and he loved every min of it he is sexy man he is sooooo beautiful i need to get some more pics of him and will put them on here when i do get them......but anyways..... his big sister wich is going to be 4 Really soon is mad becausue she wants to go to school soooooooooooooo bad but she cant BTW her name is jillian she is such a very smart lil girl she takes after me she tells it how it is and if u dont like it she dont care lmao and then there is my baby his name is Lucian he is 3 months old he is sleeping at the momment i love him he was the omg i am pregnant again one lmao he was soooooooooooooo not planned but he is mine and i love him hehehehheheee anyways after the school thing i went home and then went to my friend michelles and dyed her hair that was fun ya right then i came home to adam wich is this guy i had babys with lol and well i guess i will keep him not sure on that yet but we have been together two years so i think i may ( no not all my kids are his only lucain) cadences and jillians dad dont want them so he is there DADDY been here for them for a long ass time now so thats another reason i think i will keep him...... but anyways i get side tracted when i am typing but yeah so i came home to him down loading some thing for the computer not to sure what it is for all i heard was hardrive and tweek so yeah anyways he is cutting his hair at the moment give himself a mohawk that is going to be interesting........ thats about it and AJ just letting ya know that u are one sexy fucker hehehehheee and thats about it for now love ya all

Oh, and Spedfish sounds really cool by the way, I am told that I have the mentallity of a 1 year old, but you know what? One day us one year olds will rule the fucking world, and ALL have mohawks...........L8er Red........Aj