A meditation
Nothing in life is or will ever be perfect. That is to say perfection is unattainable. There is nothing wrong with this of course; it simply IS the state of being. However, one may decide that it is better to strive for happiness and improvement without at the same time suffering though the journey.
I would like to believe this is what leads to great change for the better in this world and possibly into the next. Never being content with the current state of affairs, yet never allowing one's self to be dissatisfied to the point of internal or external suffering. For if we wish to improve the world, be it personally or at large, we ought first to be the positive example.
To paraphrase Ghandi: Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
There is a certain irony of posting something like this on a blog. It does cause me a measure of self consciousness. With that in mind I do fully practice this sort of discipline in every day life and do my best to spread the energy to those around me. So hopefully these words will not be lost in the digital ether but given life with every step I take.
As was said to me earlier today and I pass on to you,
Nothing in life is or will ever be perfect. That is to say perfection is unattainable. There is nothing wrong with this of course; it simply IS the state of being. However, one may decide that it is better to strive for happiness and improvement without at the same time suffering though the journey.
I would like to believe this is what leads to great change for the better in this world and possibly into the next. Never being content with the current state of affairs, yet never allowing one's self to be dissatisfied to the point of internal or external suffering. For if we wish to improve the world, be it personally or at large, we ought first to be the positive example.
To paraphrase Ghandi: Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
There is a certain irony of posting something like this on a blog. It does cause me a measure of self consciousness. With that in mind I do fully practice this sort of discipline in every day life and do my best to spread the energy to those around me. So hopefully these words will not be lost in the digital ether but given life with every step I take.
As was said to me earlier today and I pass on to you,
Thanks for support xoxo