in about an hour and a half I start a new dumb mechanic job that I'll probably only have for a week (i hope) before I start this sellout retail "manager-in-training" crap for Radioshack. someday I swear I will get paid to just do what I love. I did get offered $50 the other day to "record" this other band- like 3 or 4 songs- so i guess that's a step closer maybe. Actually no its not- i hate that stuff almost as much as being a grease monkey. Basically it means i do all the work (and it IS work) getting everything in order, getting mics positioned and tweaking knobs not just on mixers but on instruments and amps (which is supposed to be up the people being recorded, while they just play their guitars and drums- more often than not quite shittily. And then for some reason just because it is on my computer they think they should "let" me mix and master it, which is just as important a part of the creative process as writing the damn song, not to mention being something that lots of people get paid seven digits a year to do. I would expect people to be interested enough in it to at least want to stand behind me and look over my shoulder at what is happening, but in the past they just never have cared, and then when what they recorded turns out to be nothing special, since they actually had jack shit to do with how it ended up sounding and I didnt have a clue how i should make it sound, it just ends up taking up a bunch of my hard disk space for the next couple of years. I think i am going to go through the stuff on my hard disk after work and make a list of all the names of people who have songs or tracks/pieces of songs on it, put that stuff on cds, and call each of them up to tell them if they care enough about their intellectual property to pay me $200, i will give them their files so i can take them off my disk. If they say no, it becomes mine, and then if i listen to it and it sounds like a good idea, i'll just go make a platinum ass record with their song just to spite them for putting me through that shit and then not giving a fuck. Then if they're dumb eough to sue me or something, I will kill them. I can think of 5 people off the top of my head with songs that never went anywhere on my computer, and i know that there are plenty more. There are several on here that i cant even identify- i dont even remember who did them.
oh by the way sydfloyd has this CD with some pics of me on it, so as soon as i get that from him (today sometime), anyone interested will be able to see what I look like (excited? you should be.)
oh by the way sydfloyd has this CD with some pics of me on it, so as soon as i get that from him (today sometime), anyone interested will be able to see what I look like (excited? you should be.)
"armadillos" ha ha ha ha ha ha!
HEy man you can have the dige. track we cut.