Hei-hei, my beloved SG land!
Well, when 2/3 of your life is music and a gorgeous girl with pure-magic vocals and a vintage mic tattoo sleeve @elune nominates you to list your favourite albums, it’s simply impossible to resist 🌚
Much thanks Redheaddevil, let’s spread the musicplague across these lands!
I listen to many different kinds of music, but there are two main big groups that I prefer over the rest. They follow my life ideology “Make Love, and War” as all the things around me do.
1. Extreme metal (the War). The roots of interest to it go into middle school, and this flame will never die. Expect lots of it below.
2. Darkfolk/neofolk (the Love). One Great Girl showed this gem to me about 5 years ago and that discover changed my life.
You guys may look more for the second group as its beauty and magnificence are crystal-clear for everyone despite their tastes, while the first one, well, you know – if you’re not a fan, you’ll unlikely fall in love with.
To make this more interesting, I additionally restricted my list with the following: any group can be mentioned only once. That made things even more difficult BTW lol.
1. Death – Symbolic. 1995, USA, Progressive Death Metal.
The reason is simple: that band got me into heavy world. I adore all the legacy of Chuck Schuldiner as his every single song is a masterpiece. Symbolic is kinda symbolic for me (lol) and I always considered it as his most balanced and precise work.
Favourite song: Crystal Mountain.
2. Dissection – Storm of the Light’s Bane. 1995, Sweden, Melodic Black Metal.
Well, there would be no me if I’d miss it. Jon is a genius, just like Chuck, but the other ways. Storm is the most canonical black that you could ever imagine. And again, there’s absolutely nothing to add or sub, every chord is brilliant, every word hits the core.
Favourite song: Retribution – Storm of the Light’s Bane.
3. Watain – Lawless Darkness. 2010, Sweden, Black Metal.
I can’t stop treating Watain as one big tribute to Dissection and Jon lol. Yet, they have their own unique black magic style and atmosphere that (g)rip you inside their anti-cosmic worlds. When you hear its melodies, you feel like you knew them all your life, like they eternally were inside you.
Favourite song: Waters of Ain. We all will be there. This song will be played on my funeral one day.
4. Belphegor – Totenritual. 2017, Austria, Blackened Death Metal.
Belphegor always played a parody, a strong ingenius parody on black metal bands with lyrics about satanic BDSM orgies (lol) and nuclear-blasting live shows. However, Totenritual showed that they actually can be serious. Very serious. The style, the lyrics, the atmosphere, all the picture tell you: these guys always were as trve and anti-cosmic as idols like Dissection. You’ll feel the vibes.
Favourite song: Embracing a Star. It took me two years to find the path and finally embrace it.
5. Graveworm – As the Angels Reach the Beauty. 1999, Italy, Symphonic Black Metal.
The real sleeping beauty that got me into symphonic metal and classical music. The beauteous holy union of reaping black and heavenly orchestral melodies that draws you magic worlds with castles and dragons, the dance of love and death, of Eden and Hell.
Favourite song: Into the Dust of Eden.
6. Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio – Songs 4 Hate and Devotion. 2010, Sweden, Darkfolk/”Apocalyptic Folk”.
The album that started it all. Songs that bore a perfect love for darkfolk, white wine, flowers, stockings, bondage and wax. Words that taught me hate and devotion. Another Swedish genius Thomas with his wife knows about life, about death, about passion, about misanthropy more than anyone else. Knows so much that I quote him all the time lol (even “Make Love, and War” at the beginning are their words).
Favourite song: I M B E C I L E, My Idiot Lover. Did you get now where do my nickname go from?
7. Spiritual Front – Armageddon Gigolo’. 2006, Italy, Darkfolk/”Suicide Pop”.
Simone Salvatore is another daredevil crush. Their musical instruments are covered with flowers on their live shows. Their music is as beautiful as they lyrics seems terrifying to most people. They have “Vladimir Central” darkfolk cover after all lol. Best Thomas’ friend (not only friend lol) also knows how to fuck, hate and serve. “Armageddon” broke my heart back when “Songs 4” stole it.
Favourite song: No Kisses on the Mouth.
8. Type O Negative – October Rust. 1996, USA, Gothic/Doom Metal.
Well, despite being metal, I like to put them to the second group (The Love) as they sound, themes and atmosphere is much closer to ORE, SF and friends. What do we have here? Alcohol, sex, suicide, drugs, love, devotion, low attractive voice and magic keyboards. “Express yourself – just say Yes”. I said.
Favourite song: Love You to Death.
9. Übermensch – Der Visionär. 2013, Deutschland, RAC.
Leo is just like Rilke, Junger, Mishima and Gumilyov. One of the last fatelancers of our times. “Make Love, and War” is their essence. So, this opus magnum is in both of my groups at the same time. It deserves so.
Favourite song: Weine Nicht Um Mich.
10. Rammstein – Mutter. 2001, Deutschland, Neue Deutsche Härte.
Maybe the first band in this list y’all certainly heard of. I love all their work from the very beginning til (and including) Rosenrot. Not further unfortunately. Well, Rammstein is Rammstein. They’re in both of my groups and aren’t in any of them at the same time. You need years and years to understand them to the core. Not exactly. You will be close, but never will.
Favourite song: Nebel. Did you know that the story of John Wick was inspired by its lyrics?
Fifteen honorable mentions. There’s no order and numbers mean nothing, they all are just awesome.
11. Avenged Sevenfold – City of Evil. 2005, USA, New Wave of American Heavy Metal.
12. Beyond Creation – Earthborn Evolution. 2014, Canada, Progressive/Technical Death Metal.
13. Blutbanner – Aus Feuern werden Brände. 2018, Deutschland, RAC.
14. Disturbed – Believe. 2002, USA, Nu-Metal.
15. Drudkh – Autumn Aurora. 2004, Ukraine, Atmospheric Black/Folk Metal.
16. Emperor – In the Nightside Eclipse. 1994, Norway, Symphonic Black Metal.
17. First Fragment – Dasein. 2016, Canada, Progressive/Technical Death Metal.
18. Gallowbraid – Ashen Eidolon. 2010, USA, Melodic Black/Folk Metal.
19. Imelda May – Love Tattoo. 2007, Ireland, Jazz/Rockabilly.
20. Mad Marge & the Stonecutters – Mad Marge & the Stonecutters. 2005, USA, Psychobilly.
21. Morphine – Cure for Pain. 1993, England, Low Jazz/Rock.
22. Mudvayne – L.D. 50. 2000, USA, Progressive Nu-Metal.
23. Necrophagist – Onset of Putrefaction. 1999, Deutschland, Progressive/Technical Death Metal.
24. The Real Gone Tones – Hot Mess. 2016, Poland, Rockabilly.
25. М8Л8ТХ – Черным Крылом (M8L8TH – By the Wing of Black). 2004, Russland, NSBM.
Should I say that my music collection and experience are hundred times bigger? They’re worth a full-blown music blog lol.
I call @avecalluna @ivylina @nakami @redberry @riskyindie @vexaltyn to join!
“Priests and whores, come with us” (c) ORE
@lemon @missy @rambo
Morphine, Imelda May и черт возьми Mad Marge & the Stonecutters!! Я думала только я про них знаю! Отличный выбор!) Много чего я не знаю, ещё предстоит послушать, спасибо!))
@elune, Mad Marge вообще любовь, очень жаль, что нет новых альбомов уже более 10 лет, хотя в живую выступают еще вроде)