I'm thinking about kicking one of my habits. Either smoking or taking Zoloft. Well, I don't know if taking Zoloft is technically a habit but nonetheless, i would like to stop taking it. I can't decide which one to quit first. I don't feel I should quit both at the same time becuase I use both of them to calm me down. Smoking is horrible cancer producing product, but I don't like the idea of taking a pill everyday (plus it has side effects of its own).
When all is said and done I think I am leaning towards quiting Zoloft first and I'll tell you why. Zoloft doesn't help me pass the time by. Smoking is in many ways a social aid/ crutch and I like that. When's the last time you were at a party and someone asks someone else if they want to go outside to pop some Zoloft? So there, I think I've settled it. Goodbye Zoloft, hello cowboy killers.
When all is said and done I think I am leaning towards quiting Zoloft first and I'll tell you why. Zoloft doesn't help me pass the time by. Smoking is in many ways a social aid/ crutch and I like that. When's the last time you were at a party and someone asks someone else if they want to go outside to pop some Zoloft? So there, I think I've settled it. Goodbye Zoloft, hello cowboy killers.

I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask for some more of a profile and pictures. You are light years ahead of ya bro, but many miles lay ahead.
Hope you are as cool as your cousin, because he's the coolest.
Soon as you get off Zoloft, work on the smoking thing. It does pass the time, I agree, but when you are dying of cancer or emphysema, you'll be wishing you had that time back. Wow, that was depressing. Sorry. Maybe you could start carrying around a travel-size game, like Yahtzee. Or even better: Trivial Pursuit cards. You'd be the life of the party! Heh.
Anyway, welcome to SG!!