i Leave for Taipei tomorrow.
my account will expire during the 9 1/2 weeks
i'm there. if you are reading this, stay cooL...
my account will expire during the 9 1/2 weeks
i'm there. if you are reading this, stay cooL...

Looks like i'm headed back to Taiwan at the end of the month.
3 weeks each in Taipei, Taichung, and Tainan.
Rumor has it if aLL goes weLL, they might want us
to run our own buxiban, but i'm not feeLin' that.
LIES VEXUS recorded a new aLbum (#6)
last weak end, we have another show at Art City in Ventura.
in cLosing, a...
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3 weeks each in Taipei, Taichung, and Tainan.
Rumor has it if aLL goes weLL, they might want us
to run our own buxiban, but i'm not feeLin' that.
LIES VEXUS recorded a new aLbum (#6)
last weak end, we have another show at Art City in Ventura.
in cLosing, a...
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2006 resoLution report:
pLaying more music: check
eating more sushi: check
getting more tattoos: check
so far so good!
pLaying more music: check
eating more sushi: check
getting more tattoos: check
so far so good!

music, sushi, & tattoos....a boy after my own hear!
I swore to my Mom that if she'd let me get tattoos when I was young I'd get a Mom heart...I better get to it, can't be a liar!
I swore to my Mom that if she'd let me get tattoos when I was young I'd get a Mom heart...I better get to it, can't be a liar!

thankyou! i'm glad you like it all

SG made me an offer i didn't refuse, so i'm back...


Happy birthday to you too... 

Hey man. I, unfortunatly, will not be able to make it out to see Boxcar this year when they come around. We just bought a house and money is kinda tight right now. Tell the boys I said "hi" if you see them! 

Thanks for thee kind words, and for being my friend. Looks Like my account wiLL be active for another week before it expires.
I must say, many of the recent sets have been smokin', but i need to find a new job out here in the chicago suburbs. There's about a hundred shows I want to see. The first one eye'LL make it to wiLL...
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I must say, many of the recent sets have been smokin', but i need to find a new job out here in the chicago suburbs. There's about a hundred shows I want to see. The first one eye'LL make it to wiLL...
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Time's up!


oh no!!! I am sorry i missed ya leaving.
I will email you.
I will email you.
I met Life Returns on saturn day in OXNARD, at the NARDCORE 20th anniversary show. He a cooL dude. Saw some friends i haven't seen in over a decade; found out a cLose friend was murdered 4 years ago, I was just thinking about him last week. Also found out another acquaintance committed suicide 3 weaks ago, he OD'd on vicodin.
I'm moving to Chicago...
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I'm moving to Chicago...
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damn, i'm going to miss you round these parts. keep in touch k? you've got my email and i know where to find you... oh, and i did the set 'specially as a going away prezzie. good luck in Chicago and if you kids ever make it to Brew City give me a holler


namaste and have a great time living in Chi!
you have my email address so keep in touch, ok? 
[Edited on Jul 27, 2004 10:12PM]

[Edited on Jul 27, 2004 10:12PM]

thank you!!!!!!!! you always put a smile on my face

Are you going to the nardcore 20th anniversary? I'm driving down tommorow. Cant wait ! worD.

f-911 shouLd be required viewing for everyone.
many of us aLready know most of that stuff,
butt seeing aLL the pieces together with the faces of aLL the pLayers intact makes the deception cLearer.
for others who get their news from limited sources, this fiLm wiLL either be a big wakeup caLL, or just shunned as more propaganda from the Leftist media
the choice is...
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many of us aLready know most of that stuff,
butt seeing aLL the pieces together with the faces of aLL the pLayers intact makes the deception cLearer.
for others who get their news from limited sources, this fiLm wiLL either be a big wakeup caLL, or just shunned as more propaganda from the Leftist media
the choice is...
Read More

I will see it when it comes here. but that could be in years.
it took bowling for columbine a year and a half to make it here.
it took bowling for columbine a year and a half to make it here.

I cant wait for the 20th anniversary show. RKL is playing too !!