First: I'm about to be a published writer! The editor of AntipodeanSF, an Australian/New Zealand online speculative fiction magazine, liked one of my stories (first submission for that story) and we're in the process of revision so that it can be published... whenever... some issue in the future, I don't know. My writing shall forever be preserved in the Melbourne hall of... records or something....
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Crash and blow were two of my very favourite movies! I'll defs check that one out!
So, I started going to a new hobby gaming store (Dungeons & Dragons, Magic Cards, etc). I ran a store like that for the past two years and it just closed, so going to a different one is very awkward. It wasn't a very good store, to be honest. It was called Natural-20 (D&D reference? anyone? bueller?), it was open for just over three years....
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Hey boy!
Thank you for your support and for the friend request!
Thank you for your support and for the friend request!
Accidental post... awesome. Is there a way to delete these?
They are attacking again
You should check out Freakonomics...sounds like you'd dig it. And why do people think socialism is so bad?!
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