What does it mean to be in love? Does it mean that you want to be with the person, or could it mean that you want to long to be with the person? Is it possible to be in love with wanting, and not the real person? I'm I in love with the concept of being in love? Does the pain of constant want keep... Read More
Sorry, haven't updated for a while So, now that I'm back, a question: How would you commit suicide? What method? I say straight razor to the throat I know, a bit much, but think of all the mental strength it would take to slit one's own throat. Besides, I think it's violent enough to fit me Well then, how would you do it?
Well, a lot of you don't realize that my real name is Randall Lee Yow. Well it is Wow, you are saying to yourself. He just posted his real name on a website with naked females Man. I must be brave Any way, I really exited because my to best friends Zelda and stag are going to get married