"The Great Gatsby" soundtrack is finally here.
I don't think my ears can handle the sensory orgasm that my oversized headphones are giving me right now. Sweet fucking Mother of the Christ child.
"The Great Gatsby" soundtrack is finally here.

I don't think my ears can handle the sensory orgasm that my oversized headphones are giving me right now. Sweet fucking Mother of the Christ child.
hello sexy!!
dude, I keep hearing about the soundtrack, I've heard a couple songs from there and am really digging it... of course Lana Del Rey is fucken awesome. Have you heard of Quadron? They're a band I really like and is barely getting a little bit bigger, they're on the soundtrack as well, they have better songs than that one but I'm happy they're getting a little recognition haha

The ENTIRE soundtrack is amazing! I can't find one fucking song to complain about! "Back to Black" is getting all kinds of hate, and I think it's because people are missing the point of Andre 3000 and Beyonce's interpretation. The whole album is a perfect blend of roaring twenties, modern day rap, sleazy sex set to music ("Back to Black", of course), and even a little bit of dubstep (Nero's "Into the Past" pulls at my heart, I fucking swear). I don't see Quadron on my tracklist though.
I'm about to Bing those bitches and check 'em out.