Today, I have:
- Taken an Art History II exam which should've been easy, but as my instructor is CLEARLY off her meds these days, shit's up in the air as to whether or not I'm maintaining my 4.0 average this semester
- Called the University of Alabama to have my application for Fall semester COMPLETELY reworked and corrected as somebody in the Admissions office can't tell the difference between my current college and one that I've never heard of, thereby entering in the WRONG transcript in my file
- Called the University of Alabama at Birmingham (I've fucking had it today with administrations) to reactivate my Blazer ID since I couldn't send my transcript off before doing so
- Found an apartment in good ol T-town online (and through the help of my lovely BFF), filled out the forms, and also gathered together - oh - 86 FUCKING JOB APPLICATIONS

I'm beat, I'm ill as fuck, my piercing is irritated, and I need a goddamn drink. Damn the man. Save the Empire. For real, y'all.
- Taken an Art History II exam which should've been easy, but as my instructor is CLEARLY off her meds these days, shit's up in the air as to whether or not I'm maintaining my 4.0 average this semester

- Called the University of Alabama to have my application for Fall semester COMPLETELY reworked and corrected as somebody in the Admissions office can't tell the difference between my current college and one that I've never heard of, thereby entering in the WRONG transcript in my file

- Called the University of Alabama at Birmingham (I've fucking had it today with administrations) to reactivate my Blazer ID since I couldn't send my transcript off before doing so

- Found an apartment in good ol T-town online (and through the help of my lovely BFF), filled out the forms, and also gathered together - oh - 86 FUCKING JOB APPLICATIONS

I'm beat, I'm ill as fuck, my piercing is irritated, and I need a goddamn drink. Damn the man. Save the Empire. For real, y'all.