I'm watching what may well be the worst movie ever -- not bad in a good way like Manos or Plan 9 From Outer Space, but bad in a stupid special effects, Christian-Slater-stars-in-this-movie kind of way. But beyond that -- really, really, really stupidly bad. Which is not all that bad because I LOVE really bad movies.
10:47: OK, I mean, really. The language expert in this film capable of translating inscriptions from ancient civilizations also uses the phrase, "Hey guys, check this out."
10:55: Did I mention the langauge expert was "hot"? (As in a crappy-Hollywood-movie-definition-of-hot kind of way.) As are all the women SWAT team members.
On a different note, I've completely lost my mix touch. I blame the freakin' iPod which encourages laziness (randomness) over good old-fashioned discipline of having to save a batch of songs on an 80-minute CD or 90-minute tape.
A friend's bday approaches, and it's bad enough to begin with that it took me this long to realize that I could make a mix for her, but then I was lost trying to put it together. Here's what I came up with:
1. Electrelane, Gone Under Sea
2. G.L.S.-United, Rapper's Deutsch
3. 13 & God, Soft Atlas
4. Electric Six, Gay Bar
5. The B-52's, 52 Girls
6. The Girls, She's Hysterical
7. Electrelane, Bells
8. Skee-Lo, The Tale of Mr. Morton
9. Hot Snakes, This Mystic Decade
10. Arcade Fire, Wake Up
11. Little Brother, The Yo-Yo (Remix)
12. Nina Simone, Gin House Blues
13. Stellastarr, Jenny
14. Plastilina Mosh, Viva Las Vegas
15. Murs, Risky Business Feat. Humpty Hump and Shock G.
16. Talking Heads, Stay Hungry (live)
17. Player, Baby Come Back
18. The Girls, 4 A.M.
19. Electrelane, Take the Bit Between Your Teeth
20. Faces, Ooh la la

10:47: OK, I mean, really. The language expert in this film capable of translating inscriptions from ancient civilizations also uses the phrase, "Hey guys, check this out."

10:55: Did I mention the langauge expert was "hot"? (As in a crappy-Hollywood-movie-definition-of-hot kind of way.) As are all the women SWAT team members.
On a different note, I've completely lost my mix touch. I blame the freakin' iPod which encourages laziness (randomness) over good old-fashioned discipline of having to save a batch of songs on an 80-minute CD or 90-minute tape.
A friend's bday approaches, and it's bad enough to begin with that it took me this long to realize that I could make a mix for her, but then I was lost trying to put it together. Here's what I came up with:
1. Electrelane, Gone Under Sea
2. G.L.S.-United, Rapper's Deutsch
3. 13 & God, Soft Atlas
4. Electric Six, Gay Bar
5. The B-52's, 52 Girls
6. The Girls, She's Hysterical
7. Electrelane, Bells
8. Skee-Lo, The Tale of Mr. Morton
9. Hot Snakes, This Mystic Decade
10. Arcade Fire, Wake Up
11. Little Brother, The Yo-Yo (Remix)
12. Nina Simone, Gin House Blues
13. Stellastarr, Jenny
14. Plastilina Mosh, Viva Las Vegas
15. Murs, Risky Business Feat. Humpty Hump and Shock G.
16. Talking Heads, Stay Hungry (live)
17. Player, Baby Come Back
18. The Girls, 4 A.M.
19. Electrelane, Take the Bit Between Your Teeth
20. Faces, Ooh la la