My mullet won't be fully operational for months, or perhaps a year, but here are the details:
I have, um, thinning hair on top. For a few years now I've just been doing the buzz cut, not to obscure anything but just because it's easy to maintain and I can do it myself. But that gets boring after a while. The only option is to let it grow out a little, but it's kind of awkward because it's really thick on the sides so looks doofy.
However, if I grow it out enough, at least I will have glorious locks somewhere. Ideally they would be glorious all over my head, but that's life.
It would be cool if wigs were acceptable fashion accessories for men (really, why the hell not? life is so unfair). But they're not, so the mullet is really my only option for at least some hair awesomeness.
It won't be real long or a Tennesse Tophat or anything like that. It will be acceptable, and perhaps even spur a renaissance in mullet appreciation throughout society as I represent the new face of mullets in the 21st Century.
Before you laugh or make snide remarks behind the back of a mullet-wearer, keep in mind the words of that Hair Club guy in Seinfeld: "You people with hair think you're so special!" If you were in our place, would you not go for the gusto, even if it mostly happened below the collar?
I am not an animal!
Not me (yet):

I have, um, thinning hair on top. For a few years now I've just been doing the buzz cut, not to obscure anything but just because it's easy to maintain and I can do it myself. But that gets boring after a while. The only option is to let it grow out a little, but it's kind of awkward because it's really thick on the sides so looks doofy.
However, if I grow it out enough, at least I will have glorious locks somewhere. Ideally they would be glorious all over my head, but that's life.
It would be cool if wigs were acceptable fashion accessories for men (really, why the hell not? life is so unfair). But they're not, so the mullet is really my only option for at least some hair awesomeness.
It won't be real long or a Tennesse Tophat or anything like that. It will be acceptable, and perhaps even spur a renaissance in mullet appreciation throughout society as I represent the new face of mullets in the 21st Century.
Before you laugh or make snide remarks behind the back of a mullet-wearer, keep in mind the words of that Hair Club guy in Seinfeld: "You people with hair think you're so special!" If you were in our place, would you not go for the gusto, even if it mostly happened below the collar?
I am not an animal!
Not me (yet):