Let's see . . . update . . . It's around here somewhere . . .*rummaging*
Ah! There it is!
I'm thinking that I want to get my Mid-Life Crisis out of the way now as opposed to later. I know that it's ahead of schedule (seeing as I'm only 26) and as how my childhood was effectively over by the time I was eleven, I don't think I'm too out of line.
Lately I've been giving serious thought to investigating one of a few lines of work that have nothing to do with selling comic books (or any average suburban job for that matter).
First, and maybe least adventurous, is call up my uncle in North Carolina who runs his own painting business and see if he could use another hand.
Second, more audacious but a whole bunch closer, is get into the stagehand business. galaxie63 has oh so very graciously given me some info and a bit of a rundown on the occupation. Looks interesting, lots to learn and the pay doesn't sound bad (if you can get the hours).
And third, most adventurous and probably dumbest, I keep hearing about being people going to Antarctica as a grunt laborer (dishwasher/basic repairman-type) for some pretty decent pay.
I don't know why, but this sounds pretty intriguing even taking into account the facts that it's as harsh as the frigging Moon, at the literal Ass-End of Planet Earth, and I'd be scrubbing pots (that's a guess). I know a guy that's done this twice (two six-month deployments) that I think I want to call.
The forum is now open for all questions, comments and inquiries about my mental competence.
Ah! There it is!

I'm thinking that I want to get my Mid-Life Crisis out of the way now as opposed to later. I know that it's ahead of schedule (seeing as I'm only 26) and as how my childhood was effectively over by the time I was eleven, I don't think I'm too out of line.
Lately I've been giving serious thought to investigating one of a few lines of work that have nothing to do with selling comic books (or any average suburban job for that matter).
First, and maybe least adventurous, is call up my uncle in North Carolina who runs his own painting business and see if he could use another hand.
Second, more audacious but a whole bunch closer, is get into the stagehand business. galaxie63 has oh so very graciously given me some info and a bit of a rundown on the occupation. Looks interesting, lots to learn and the pay doesn't sound bad (if you can get the hours).
And third, most adventurous and probably dumbest, I keep hearing about being people going to Antarctica as a grunt laborer (dishwasher/basic repairman-type) for some pretty decent pay.
I don't know why, but this sounds pretty intriguing even taking into account the facts that it's as harsh as the frigging Moon, at the literal Ass-End of Planet Earth, and I'd be scrubbing pots (that's a guess). I know a guy that's done this twice (two six-month deployments) that I think I want to call.
The forum is now open for all questions, comments and inquiries about my mental competence.

It is especially irritating the way all the twentysomething chippy bar flies fall all over him like he's a fucking god.
i've been stressed and muttering to myself for the past three days. in addition to twitching. i'm almost there though. three...more...days...