I'm going to give another go with the U.S. Army. I tried enlisting a bit over a year ago and got the runaround. Usually the armed forces snap up every person they can lay hands on, but I've got a bad eye that makes me an iffy candidate.
After speaking with my brother's Company's 1st Sgt., I went to a different recruiter in a small population area (Ft. Collins, an hour out from Denver). It's a long shot, but it's something I want to do.
After speaking with my brother's Company's 1st Sgt., I went to a different recruiter in a small population area (Ft. Collins, an hour out from Denver). It's a long shot, but it's something I want to do.

Ahh, the profile pic. Now I don't remember what you asked...
How did I put that together? Easy, I didn't. There was a thread on the boards about someone making new profile pics for people because he was bored.