I'm older!!
Only four more years til I can't trust myself! (bad joke)
I did have, if not a rollicking good time, then a highly acceptable birthday evening.
Storey, our dearly departed (actually just defunct) Maxwell_Demon and I went to an exceptionally good family owned italian restaraunt for dinner, then had drinks at a fine Rockabilly/Blues bar, hit another bar where I ran into a couple different people I know (this happens at the damnedest times and places) and then ended up at one of the best and finest martini bars Denver has to offer.
An evening of great comeraderie was had by all with nary a fistfight or random mugging.
I'm older!!

Only four more years til I can't trust myself! (bad joke)

I did have, if not a rollicking good time, then a highly acceptable birthday evening.
Storey, our dearly departed (actually just defunct) Maxwell_Demon and I went to an exceptionally good family owned italian restaraunt for dinner, then had drinks at a fine Rockabilly/Blues bar, hit another bar where I ran into a couple different people I know (this happens at the damnedest times and places) and then ended up at one of the best and finest martini bars Denver has to offer.
An evening of great comeraderie was had by all with nary a fistfight or random mugging.

Oh, happy belated birthday to you. 

peter beagle. definitely go read it