I have officially been tagged by girly. Here goes.
1. I'm something of a compulsive reader. I own about 350 novels and have read most of them twice and some of them at least three times.
2. I can't see in the dark for shit, and conversely, I find sunlight without sunglasses painful. (God has a funny sense of humor)
3. If it's from the Jim Henson Company, I'll watch it.
4. I can cross my left eye, but not my right. Quite well.
5. Death doesn't frighten me much but the idea of pain give me the screaming willies.
6. I nearly constantly question whether I have attained manhood, or if I'm still just a 26-year-old boy.
7. I want to seriously make a lasting mark in this world but have no idea where to start or what I wish to accomplish. I want a crusade. I want a mission.
8. As a kid I wanted to grow up to be Indiana Jones.
9. I can't talk on the phone without pacing like a madman.
10. Loose cords drive me nuts. I can't stand it when power cords are laying around.
11. I want to write a book but am vaguely scared to start one.
12. I think that I should have been medicated for paranoia in my teenage years.
13. Whenever I'm nervous or in a strange environment or feeling bashful, I get more and more politely formal and laconic.
14. I tend to internally agonize and berate myself whenever I screw something up and rehash things for months sometimes.
15. To this day I haven't been on a date, undate, nondate or any variation thereof.
16. I would really like to travel. Not yet another run across the Great Plains but hit up a couple cities and regions in Europe.
17. I periodically wonder/worry that I'm going to die alone.
18. I've been told that I was probably born in the wrong century. My sense of right, wrong and honor are virtually archaic.
19. I'm jaded and cynical and pragmatic most of the time but I get all melty around fuzzy and furry animals.
20. I find myself jealous of my younger brother more often than I'd like.
Gack! I know that I'm suppose to tag three other people, but all my friends have already been tagged. Drat.
1. I'm something of a compulsive reader. I own about 350 novels and have read most of them twice and some of them at least three times.
2. I can't see in the dark for shit, and conversely, I find sunlight without sunglasses painful. (God has a funny sense of humor)
3. If it's from the Jim Henson Company, I'll watch it.
4. I can cross my left eye, but not my right. Quite well.
5. Death doesn't frighten me much but the idea of pain give me the screaming willies.
6. I nearly constantly question whether I have attained manhood, or if I'm still just a 26-year-old boy.
7. I want to seriously make a lasting mark in this world but have no idea where to start or what I wish to accomplish. I want a crusade. I want a mission.
8. As a kid I wanted to grow up to be Indiana Jones.
9. I can't talk on the phone without pacing like a madman.
10. Loose cords drive me nuts. I can't stand it when power cords are laying around.
11. I want to write a book but am vaguely scared to start one.
12. I think that I should have been medicated for paranoia in my teenage years.
13. Whenever I'm nervous or in a strange environment or feeling bashful, I get more and more politely formal and laconic.
14. I tend to internally agonize and berate myself whenever I screw something up and rehash things for months sometimes.
15. To this day I haven't been on a date, undate, nondate or any variation thereof.
16. I would really like to travel. Not yet another run across the Great Plains but hit up a couple cities and regions in Europe.
17. I periodically wonder/worry that I'm going to die alone.
18. I've been told that I was probably born in the wrong century. My sense of right, wrong and honor are virtually archaic.
19. I'm jaded and cynical and pragmatic most of the time but I get all melty around fuzzy and furry animals.
20. I find myself jealous of my younger brother more often than I'd like.
Gack! I know that I'm suppose to tag three other people, but all my friends have already been tagged. Drat.
The hardest part of writing a book is starting.
You seriously need an update.