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Well, kids, I'm back. For a month or so, anyway.
First things first- I hate the new layout. I specifically hate website designs that are geared towards tablet / phone use instead of desktops / laptops, because I primarily use the latter. Facebooks' scroll bar in the mail section gives me fits for the same reason. I've never tried Windows 8, but I assume I'd hate it. I like taking my time while galivanting around the web, and this new design isn't conductive for that.
I'm still dealing with the life-wrenching health issues. Had bone marrow biopsy #5 last week. A new, younger doctor wants to check out a theory of his, and if he's right I can get a more effective treatment.
I'm doing naNoWriMo again this year. I still haven't done a second draft or edited anything from last year, but it was a lot of fun and I need the distraction. A couple of weeks ago I had a brilliant idea for what to write this year. I've already written the 'book jacket'-
'It's every mans fantasy, to be a porn star.
A bet between two producers led to fate chosing Daniel Young straight off the street to be their latest stud project. Little by little, Daniel was transformed through several make-overs until he fit the role. Daniel loved it. No longer living a dreary existence, he was finally in control. He had fame, he had money, and he had all the sex he could handle. He had everything he ever wanted.
Then, everything went to hell.'