So I went in for my mental exam for my second go-round at the Social Security Office, to get medical insurance before my kidney comes loose and I die slowly and painfully, leaving a big fat hospital bill behind. Before I was allowed to go express my anxiety and concerns over my immediate future, (as usual) I was required to fill out a form with all of my personal information. I think I've filled out a few dozen of these forms in the past two years; from different doctors, therapists, and prolly a few hobos on seventh street. But on this particular form I was paused for a few moments by a line under the 'Recreation' section. You know, where they ask what you do with your time. These sections do not often have options for 'surf the internet, masturbate, or worry about impending doom'. Instead they usually have sections about how much tv you watch. This one even had an option for 'radio' (people still have those?). Then my attention came to the last line..
Recreation -> Wal-Mart.
Seriously. I am not making this up. I circled it up above.
This is how our civilization ends.
PS- I am having difficulty with the 'resize' thing, a more pr0portionate picture can be found here- http://arcadiancrash.blogspot.com/
If someone can tell me how to resize pics in a SG blog w/o going in and making a new picture to copy the URL from, I'd be greatfull. I no speakee html, or whatever they are using these days
This has worked for me, but I haven't done it very often.
The Wal-Mart thing is weird, but I think I understand it. A shuttle bus trip to Wal-Mart was a big deal for my mother and her friends. I can see why, for Social Security's average senior clients, that would be a popular enough choice to put it on the form. I suspect they're also the ones still listening to radios.