sooo.. how has evryone been? I have been in bed like crazy, this whole tooth pulling thing definantly kept me bed ridden, and now i am lazy and lost fine motor skills! lol.. In other news it was the boys birthday the other day almost two weeks after mine! We went to the pink floyd lazer show in the museum of scince. But there was a ridiculous crash on the sub way so all of the green line trains ( the ones i had to take) were down yay me! we missed our show, I had a man shut the box office lights off in my face and say "sorry babe" it was great i guess..
Well the next day we returned and got a voucher, so we can return whenever we like in six months, we are going saturday! But we stayed and walked around for a while it was a lot of fun. I got to make things with magnets

I got to see the frog exhibit!

Finally the pictures worked! yay so peace to all of u!
LOve Kaije!
sooo.. how has evryone been? I have been in bed like crazy, this whole tooth pulling thing definantly kept me bed ridden, and now i am lazy and lost fine motor skills! lol.. In other news it was the boys birthday the other day almost two weeks after mine! We went to the pink floyd lazer show in the museum of scince. But there was a ridiculous crash on the sub way so all of the green line trains ( the ones i had to take) were down yay me! we missed our show, I had a man shut the box office lights off in my face and say "sorry babe" it was great i guess..
Well the next day we returned and got a voucher, so we can return whenever we like in six months, we are going saturday! But we stayed and walked around for a while it was a lot of fun. I got to make things with magnets

I got to see the frog exhibit!

Finally the pictures worked! yay so peace to all of u!
LOve Kaije!
OOF CUTE FROGGIES. the science museum is awesome! especially the giant dinosaur in the front.
yeah the green line sucks apparently some douchebag crashed it because he was texting and driving at the same time.