now who's busy. working on music "Teenagers From Outer Space", writing, talks with bands for music videos, job garbage, and now i have to do an entire DVD menu from scratch for the LONG awaited "ANEWLOW 2" film. i worship at the alter of Mr. Coffee.
More Blogs
Sunday Jul 05, 2009
so for the past 3 nights, including this one, i've been drinking alon… -
Tuesday Jun 30, 2009
fully ended a relationship today. kinda bummin' about it. but we both… -
Friday Jun 26, 2009
well went to NYC on wed to see Blacklist. they were grrrreat! also sa… -
Monday Jun 08, 2009
WAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!! behind on my music. but ahead on artwork. i guess … -
Thursday May 28, 2009
wow underground NYC party's are pretty fun. anyone else attend the de… -
Monday May 25, 2009
new green day = awesome. new terminator = good but not amazing. m… -
Wednesday May 20, 2009
true insomnia has advantages and disadvantages. you can get a lot of … -
Friday May 15, 2009
getting drunk by myself with boone's farm and budweiser. while listen… -
Thursday May 14, 2009
in the middle of a green day marathon. chronological order from begin… -
Thursday Apr 30, 2009
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