My girl is watching 'America's Next Top Model' and I can only hear the commentary, not watching the images -- but holy fuck the only point of that show is to be hard on the girls. Like, it's mean as fuck and that Tyra person is such a retard her little zingy commentary even when it's clearly written for her by a team of zinger-y peeps, just comes off as jealous, petty crulety. Which is of course the show's charm...
Watched a lot of movies this weekend-- 'Le Samourai' -- wow, can't believe I never saw it before...
In case you were wondering, this is what you really, truly need.
And FYI, this is what Shields is up to now. PArt of it, anyway.

Watched a lot of movies this weekend-- 'Le Samourai' -- wow, can't believe I never saw it before...

In case you were wondering, this is what you really, truly need.

And FYI, this is what Shields is up to now. PArt of it, anyway.
i've never seen it before but it sounds like something i'd like.
Heh...I've never been a fan of America's Next Top Model, though some of the images they put out are lovely, I'm just not a fan of that sort of "reality TV".