Awwww, I'm mentioned in this interview with Tim from Califone, simply because I made a mix Cd for him and he covered a song off of it. Weird how much the interviewer harps on that tune, though. Man those Pitchfork kids have such small glasses to see the whole world with! Not complaining of course, just saying -- they've been very very nice to me and my endeavors the last year or so...

Just watched the new episode of THE WIRE right now -- super psyched that the new episode shows up on 'On Demand' first thing Monday, each week.

I REALLY need to get more work -- send out queries, pitches, etc. This is the HARDEST FUCKING THING for me though, sheesh.

and no, i hadn't heard about that actress from "House of wax".... what was her name?
its been years since i saw that flick (you are talking about the original right?)