With the theft of a cowboy hat from a very nice friend of mine, I've become my worst nightmare; the extra in a bad gay porn movie.
We've been listening to Uncle Tupelo a lot tonight. These guys still are one of my favorites.
Right now, For Anyone That's Listening is on the stereo. I would recommend it to most folks who like UT.
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We've been listening to Uncle Tupelo a lot tonight. These guys still are one of my favorites.
Right now, For Anyone That's Listening is on the stereo. I would recommend it to most folks who like UT.
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and also began the legend of peter in the fuck ugly cowboy hat.













































































































































































































































I fell asleep on the loveseat last night, trying not to go to bed. There was more to do with the day. I'd been up since 0700 hours, and it was nearly midnight. Why didnt I want to get in bed? I dont know. It just works out that way sometimes.
Now it is morning time, and I have had two cups of coffee. My...
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Now it is morning time, and I have had two cups of coffee. My...
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injured? did you got to fight club without me, Radavasquez?
i think you should be a luddite in mendo.
i think you should be a luddite in mendo.
you are the bestest boy ever, and i miss you very much, you need to tell me what you want for your birthday, please. dad and i are in a quandary.
..I dreamed about killing you again last night and it felt alright to me..
What happens in my sleep? I dont really know. Lately, I've slept poorly. I dont understand it.
..Dying on the banks of Embarcadero skies, I sat and watched you bleed..
San Francisco has been a beautiful, trying city lately. I am learning a lot of new things about how to live....
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What happens in my sleep? I dont really know. Lately, I've slept poorly. I dont understand it.
..Dying on the banks of Embarcadero skies, I sat and watched you bleed..
San Francisco has been a beautiful, trying city lately. I am learning a lot of new things about how to live....
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i'm glad you posted it, anyway. also: best smiley mural ever.
your emoticons are immense