@missy @rambo
(Sorry for shitty English)
My favorite quote is from Kurt Cobain, okay I'm a BIG Nirvana fan, even have a tattoo on my arm with the nirvana smiley.
I love his way of thinking, maybe he was insane, but most great artist are.
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not."
It's the best way of thinking for me, because I can't play a role and pretend I'm someone I'm not, for example, my dad always asked me to cover up my tattoos when I go out dinner with them, first time I did it, next time not, fuck you! If you don't love me this way, you can't love me at all, because this is who I am..
And also on the inside I can't change, I am a pain in the ass sometimes, especially for my boyfriend..
Some things you can change yes, and I do, or I'll try to.. But other things just make you who you are, don't try to change that, you can't!
Be happy with who you are, that makes you beautiful..