Clearly I don't post enough. C'est la vie. Truth is I'm not on my computer all that much anymore. This is in a way bittersweet. It's good to be out in the real world having "real" fun. But I feel like I'm betraying my nerd roots by not even being to keep up with e-mail, much less a blog. I usually only get to post when I'm still drinking, and everyone else has passed out or gone home. I pity those that read my drunken musings, unless of course you're drunk too. In which case maybe I make sense? One can only hope.
So if I may muse: Life is good. Soon the U.S. will have a President with the requisite intelligence to actually pronounce the word NUCLEAR correctly! I am actually excited. It'll be a refreshing change at the very least. Of course W will be moving less than 5 minutes down the road from me. Anyone up for TPing his house?
Just kidding.
Good night all. Thanks for listening.
So if I may muse: Life is good. Soon the U.S. will have a President with the requisite intelligence to actually pronounce the word NUCLEAR correctly! I am actually excited. It'll be a refreshing change at the very least. Of course W will be moving less than 5 minutes down the road from me. Anyone up for TPing his house?
Just kidding.

Good night all. Thanks for listening.
Don't worry, I'm not the kind of people that may die by too much works.
I'm a lazy one.