Why is it that things left undone become harder? As they snowball out of control I run from them, afraid to look back. Hah! Take that homework! Take that bills! I'm ignoring you all!
Sophomoric at best, I know, and yet I soldier on with such outmoded and damaging behaviors. A year older, a year wiser, you think I'd have learned. Nope. How does one overcome the fecundity of sloth?
Think I'll buy a another Tony Robbins book...
Hope you're having better luck than I.
Sophomoric at best, I know, and yet I soldier on with such outmoded and damaging behaviors. A year older, a year wiser, you think I'd have learned. Nope. How does one overcome the fecundity of sloth?
Think I'll buy a another Tony Robbins book...
Hope you're having better luck than I.
well, my nightmares aren't recurrent, and pretty complicated or elaborated. Often implicating murder, slavery, subtle psychologic torture, souls, ghosts, eerie events.......