My car died last week. I haven't been able to bring myself to clean it out and trade it in for a new one. Truth be told I dislike driving. Not the act itself but the unnatural distortion of time in getting from point a to point b. Driving in large part speeds up life, adding to stress and making it harder to savor the...
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I'm not a tumbling trickster !
I do tumble biggrin
But seriously folks, one of the ill advertised side effects of being a total drunkard is the mental tolerance one develops to spirits. Here I am, sipping on my whiskey, and despite the copious volume of said libation my mind won't shut off. It twists, it turns, but it refuses to slow and relax like it used to in response to a few drinks. So...
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I'm pretty late to answer, but I wanted to say thank you for your comment on my set Sorceress ! I'm glad you enjoy it blush
Wow! Thanks for responding. Big fan of the dueling Potters set and your blog too. So, thank you for both, I guess. I'd love to see more of your paintings, if possible.