What is your perfect set?
Or better yet... What are your beliefs of what makes a set into a winning, Set of the Day?
Can a photographer make the set? I definitely know the photographer and ruin the set, but can they be so good that they can make any one turn pink? We have all seen those sets that have a perfectly beautiful, cute or sexy model who looks good in front of the camera but the lighting is terrible... It looks like a tripod was set up and never moved... The set looks okay, but there just was no processing done to the pictures, like color correction, so the set just looks flat. Maybe the photographer is new but over processes the set with Photoshop so the model almost looks like they are plastic and lighting effects don't work with the shadows. So something just looks fake about it. Or you can just tell it's some horny boyfriend with a simple point & shoot thinking everyone should see how hot my girl looks, type of set.
As a model, what is a winning routine you follow? Can you just, at a drop of the hat, shoot a "Pink" worthy set? Or are there real plans that make a worthy set? I would think that with any professional job, that there would be some luck, but mostly preparation and a bit of training. Sure there is some of that, "it's like riding a bike" mentality. But is there a beauty routine you would implement weeks before the shoot or one you started once you "went pro"?
When I was in my late teens I did a little, local modeling and poor acting. I was terrible and undisciplined, but I had a slight background with photography and no problem getting girls, so I thought I could do it. I could roll out of bed, throw on some torn clothes and pick up a booty call without a single thought.
My thoughts on the matter now is that, if I was pursuing something along the lines as SG modeling, I think they should start getting ready for the shoot up to two weeks before. Things like setting up a daily routine of water only and a healthy meal plan. A work out routine and a skin care routine. Like, how many times have you seen a pink worthy set and thought... "This is an awesome set but what's with that ass acne?" Some of the, both male and female, models I knew back in those days (I, at the time thought were conceded), I now know were just taking serious what they had to do to pay the bills and pursue the dream.
I have more thoughts of this but running out of time so Part two coming, but what are your thoughts on this. Am I missing something? Is there a check list you follow as a photographer or a model. Is there one you follow as a viewer/critic? I'm the latter and a bit of a armchair quarterback of this site so I could be just some dick.