I haven't been very vigilant w/my logging in & set reviews. As of today I'm caught up to Dec 11th. Normally I click on the Photos tab & from that I judge whether it looks like I should even look at the set. You know, was it even taken by a photographer or just some horny boyfriend... Does it even look like the model wants to be there? Stuff like that. Then I choose ones that pass that test and click on it to go to the Proof page. From there I look them over and Heart it or if it's especially great, I truly view the set and comment on it. My only comments are positive. In the past I have messaged those that I thought were good and needed real critique.
Today while doing my basic reviews, I went to Heart a set and got a message saying I was blocked by the model. That surprised me. It's never happened before.
About a year or so ago I brought up some issues I had with some of the sets I was viewing. Some people who mis-read it thought I was belittling new models and demanding lewd shots in sets. When in actuality, if they had even bothered to read it, they would have seen that I was saying they didn't need those shots and if they wanted certain areas of their body not seen or hidden they should work with the photographer and not just hide it with their hands. It's cute to hide the cookie once in a set with your hand but constantly throughout the set was amateur.
This is why I think I was blocked.