Have you seen the set by @syd ? here it is Feline, you must take a look. I'm not mad, but infatuated.
I'm in awe... No, AWE! This set is the sexiest set I've seen in quite some time. Great location, great lighting and a beauty that had me speechless. It's like someone took my list of all the best attributes a woman should possess and folded that into this set. Whether it's true or not doesn't matter, the fact is... I believe it. @syd is a beauty that could look good in an old ratty tee or a formal gown. She could embody Jessica Rabbit or Daisy Duke. The set starts out like she's a girl next door/Elly May and ends as if she's the Bright College Coed you wish you could get the courage to speak to but never do, just to find out she dominated the PAC 10 issue of Playboy or Maxium and then moved away to bigger and better things. And all your left with is a sticky mag and regrets. Saying I love this set is an understatement and Congrats SYD, because if you don't turn Pink it's only because the world has ended.