In the film group there is a thread discussing the works of this amazing clown. Here is my submission, "The world according to Garp was the best, then Popeye. As a kid I had a Mork doll, I don't remember it much but I know I watched it. What Dreams May Come is a movie that moved my wife and I as a couple. But as a young man, mad at the world... He was that big brother/father figure I needed in GoodWill. I don't usually get emotional when a celeb passes. But this one, like Cash's and George Burns have really effected me."
While typing this up, the emotion in me started to well up and it was everything I could do not to loose it. I don't normally cry, although a commercial can bring a tear to my eye. But this was like loosing a beloved family member. In my boyhood to adolescence I often watch the HBO comedy specials, I saw all of them and fell in love with most; Woopie, Williams, Leguizamo, Kinison, Ellen, Carlin.... I could go on. Then Comic Relief started. I watched all of them, like a religion. In the last 12 - 16 hours I've been looking at everyone's twitter, FB and new channel stories. I've come to the realization, I've seen almost everything he has ever made, here is his imdb list. He has been a part of my life from at least "78 and I was born in '75. Almost every year since then he has had something come out that I saw, everything Disney-esk I saw with my kids. He's that fun uncle I never had, hell I never saw my dad and his brothers never bothered to seek me out, they were busy ignoring/avoiding their own kids. But Williams was always there, pop in for a weekend, change your life and your outlook on life, then pop out till next year when his lesson may have started to fade.
You fucking clown! you hurt me