I'm in a dark place right now..... For the last 3 or 4 years. Stuck in a city full of rednecks, shit kickers and Republicans. The Glenn Beck TV station blares from my bosses office all day. People I thought I knew, now take concealed weapons courses and buy guns and riffles. Believing they will one day have to rise against the US to protect their so called freedoms. This hole state is full of these people and I don't understand how it got this way. unlike them I have been around the world. and visited other cultures and am tolerant of others. I'm tired of these people claiming to love the country and it's freedoms but wanting to restrict it for all others. They say they want small government, just small enough to shove up my wife's cookie. They say they have lost freedoms under this president, but can't name a single freedom they have lost and I'm a bleeding heart socialist because I ask them to prove it. I must be a socialist, because I actually served my country and give to charities. I believe in God but don't hide behind it and act like world is coming to an end just because there is a black man in office. I grew up here and left for about 10 years, been back almost 8 years and can't wait to leave again for good. my life is not complicated nor do I think I'm special or that this is by all hard. The situation keeping my family and I here is complicated and I just have to ride it out. I just hate myself for ever coming back.
Thank u for the support have a great day Xoxo
I hope you will be better soon