Here is something that is fucked up. Ok, I was a bit of a prick and whore back when I was a single guy. But I did have two very serious girlfriends along with my wife back in high school and just after. My wife and I moved away just after getting married. The other two ex-girl friends stay here. About two years after I left the first one moved to Dallas for awhile and about 8 or so years ago the other joined the Navy (about the time I was getting out of the Navy) and moved off to Cali all while I was in Arizona. Three years ago we moved back to bring the family closer together and let the kids have their grandparents and all. Now, I find that the first Ex moved back from Dallas about a year before we did and was living in the neighboring city until recently. Also, some time in the last few months the other Ex moved back. Now things didnt end exactly great with us and hurt feelings and exposed nerves are or may still be out there. Odessa isnt small, almost 91,000 people, with 8 Jr. Highs and about 150-200 registered daycares. So tell me how it is possible that my 1 year old goes to daycare with the kid of the first Ex and my 14 yr old not only goes to school with the oldest of the second Ex but is also in band with them. The second Exs sister, who I dated in Jr. high, is also a teacher at my 14 yrs old Jr. high.
Last Friday I went to a band concert for my eldest and we saw these two sisters both of whom are Exs sitting within glaring distance of me and my wife. Also, as if on a schedule, I see the first Ex every other day at the daycare. Things ended kinda Glenn Close/Psycho with the first Ex and I came real close to asking the 2nd Ex to marry me about 4-6 months before I started back up with my wife.
Im happy with my wife and love her dearly. But with the 2nd Ex there is still that What if? factor. You see my wife had just had a baby from another guy just months before we started talking again and my idea of going off with the one I loved to Europe and back packing and living the life fandango disappeared. The 2nd Ex was childless but seemed to be using me as a place to crash instead of being there for me So I asked her to go back with her parents and when my apartment lease ended we would test the waters with moving in together. She wasnt having it and left one night never to return. She is my Kryptonite and I must stay away. It is just hard with her kid in band with mine.
Oh well!