I went to my VW dealer's service desk the other day to complain about issues with my touch screen center console. It changes radio stations on it's own, when on Bluetooth it randomly dials phone numbers, CD player has never worked, etc... I get a call 3 hours later saying they cannot fix it under my warranty because it is not the same center console that was in the car when I bought it.
What?! It is the same one, I never changed it. Well, they accused me of changing it because their computer said otherwise. So I went home, really pissed off, ready to grab a flame thrower... instead I focused my energy on collecting proof that it is the same console.
And I fucking did.
I got my friend who was there when I bought the car to write a statement. I found a photo on my IG taken 56 weeks ago showing the glitch, and a video to follow. I collected fantastic advice from about 10 people, some mechanics, some who have been in similar situations, etc...
I went in prepared and ready for battle. I got to assistant general manager. I explained the ordeal - calm, collected, confident, and cold. I showed him my friend's statement, and I said I had more from other people. I said I have photos with dates (never had to show them). I said "I don't want to have to go to the Attorney General, or the Better Business Bureau. I don't want to call a lawyer. But if I have to, I will." He was very friendly and seemed like he was genuinely listening. He went to get the general manager. By that point my story was not needed to be repeated and the general manager took charge of the situation. He said it was a mishap on their part and the console logged in their system was the stock system that hasn't been in the car for at least 2 years. He said this has never happened before and he is sorry about all the sitting and waiting I had to do.
The general manager took out his cell phone and called a parts distributor and found me and equal/better console and made an appointment for me in the morning to have it installed. He then told the distributor to put the bill on his company card. Then I thanked him for his great customer care, shook his hand, and left.