It's after 5am and I just scarfed down an entire pint of Jimmy Fallon's Late Night Snack icecream while watching bartender pet peeve videos on youtube. It was a rough ladies night at work.
Things that annoy me:
1) don't flag me down and then sit there going 'ummmm.... uhhhhhh.... hmmmmm.....' dude, wtf, you don't know what you want shit bags? k bye!
2) don't give any reaction when I ask to see your ID. I don't give a shit if you are impressed that you are still getting IDed, and by NO means should you ever act impressed if you are 23 years old you fucking shit heads. 'oh?? really???!!! haha wow, im flattered.' you turned 21 a year ago you stupid ass.
3) don't ask me to get you MY favorite drink if you are not completely open to all the possibilities. then complain that you don't like it. 'that'll be 10$ jack ass'.
I just had to stop writing because I had to throw up half of the pint of icecream I stupidly scarfed down. That was horrible. I got super queezy, heart started pounding from all the sugar, and then BAM! ran to the bathroom and just threw up icecream that was still cold. That was disgusting.
Anyways, now that I have an appropriate amount of icecream in my belly...
I'll move on and tell you that I have been house hunting with another sg - hopefully we find something soon because I am stoked to get settled and decorate! Before she moved to Florida, she said to another sg - "We should move to Florida, because old people live in florida, and old people die, so we can buy all their stuff for cheap." I love her for that quote. It's true. And we all die, so I'd be honored if a hot suicidegirl thought my shit was cool enough to buy.
Back to bartending - kinda... The other night I stayed late for someone at work, so they let me run upstairs to the office to eat my slice of cheesecake (two of us were craving slices, so we ordered some). I couldn't find a utensil to eat it with, so I shamefully grabbed the whole slice with my hand and started eating it. As I sat there on the floor (no chairs), eating this slice with my bare hands, I thought, 'what if someone walks in on me doing this? they would think I was insane.' I went back down, and after close... I turned around to see 3 of my co-workers all eating the same slice of cheesecake with their bare hands, all 3 of them digging their fingers into a single slice.... that is when I knew I belonged. I finally belong. We shared a moment.
I think I have been drunk for months. After I left England because of an epic breakup, I have just been drinking. The good thing is, I work almost every day - so I can't get wasted, but the second I get off... I drink, a lot. We have been broken up since February, and I am just now noticing guys again. So. Many. Hot. Guys. But I know if I get to know them I will just be disappointed, so I just look from afar. I am not ready for a relationship and I have never been the type to just fuck, so I have forbidden myself from going on dates.
Most ppl relax and watch TV or something after work, but I get home from work between 3-4am, so my wind-down lasts till 7am. I don't mind though, it is kinda nice being awake when the rest of the world sleeps. It is much more peaceful. And believe it or not, I am a home-body - sometimes a cave person in my room. But it does suck when I need to get shit done during the day, because I don't take naps, so if I get up early - I am fucked for enough sleep before my next shift.
I have been cursing a lot lately.
Once I move and get settled, I am going back to my health-nut standards. The weather is getting really nice here and I need to research plants to grow on our porch. I also need to start reading again. It has been hard to find a book because the last one I read completely blew my mind. A customer gave me a book the other day, maybe I will read that next. Another customer gave me a sandwich. And another gave me free edamame. I really love being a bartender.
I especially love edamame.
I think it may be one of my favorite things. Ever.
Wtf am I going to be for Halloween? I was the Appliance Direct guy last year - he is a celebrity in FL for making shitty and hilarious commercials.
Anywayzzzzz.............. Here is a pic aaronleigh took of me

aaaaaaand this is why I love my life (lots of new videos up in my videos tab)
Things that annoy me:
1) don't flag me down and then sit there going 'ummmm.... uhhhhhh.... hmmmmm.....' dude, wtf, you don't know what you want shit bags? k bye!
2) don't give any reaction when I ask to see your ID. I don't give a shit if you are impressed that you are still getting IDed, and by NO means should you ever act impressed if you are 23 years old you fucking shit heads. 'oh?? really???!!! haha wow, im flattered.' you turned 21 a year ago you stupid ass.
3) don't ask me to get you MY favorite drink if you are not completely open to all the possibilities. then complain that you don't like it. 'that'll be 10$ jack ass'.
I just had to stop writing because I had to throw up half of the pint of icecream I stupidly scarfed down. That was horrible. I got super queezy, heart started pounding from all the sugar, and then BAM! ran to the bathroom and just threw up icecream that was still cold. That was disgusting.
Anyways, now that I have an appropriate amount of icecream in my belly...
I'll move on and tell you that I have been house hunting with another sg - hopefully we find something soon because I am stoked to get settled and decorate! Before she moved to Florida, she said to another sg - "We should move to Florida, because old people live in florida, and old people die, so we can buy all their stuff for cheap." I love her for that quote. It's true. And we all die, so I'd be honored if a hot suicidegirl thought my shit was cool enough to buy.
Back to bartending - kinda... The other night I stayed late for someone at work, so they let me run upstairs to the office to eat my slice of cheesecake (two of us were craving slices, so we ordered some). I couldn't find a utensil to eat it with, so I shamefully grabbed the whole slice with my hand and started eating it. As I sat there on the floor (no chairs), eating this slice with my bare hands, I thought, 'what if someone walks in on me doing this? they would think I was insane.' I went back down, and after close... I turned around to see 3 of my co-workers all eating the same slice of cheesecake with their bare hands, all 3 of them digging their fingers into a single slice.... that is when I knew I belonged. I finally belong. We shared a moment.
I think I have been drunk for months. After I left England because of an epic breakup, I have just been drinking. The good thing is, I work almost every day - so I can't get wasted, but the second I get off... I drink, a lot. We have been broken up since February, and I am just now noticing guys again. So. Many. Hot. Guys. But I know if I get to know them I will just be disappointed, so I just look from afar. I am not ready for a relationship and I have never been the type to just fuck, so I have forbidden myself from going on dates.
Most ppl relax and watch TV or something after work, but I get home from work between 3-4am, so my wind-down lasts till 7am. I don't mind though, it is kinda nice being awake when the rest of the world sleeps. It is much more peaceful. And believe it or not, I am a home-body - sometimes a cave person in my room. But it does suck when I need to get shit done during the day, because I don't take naps, so if I get up early - I am fucked for enough sleep before my next shift.
I have been cursing a lot lately.
Once I move and get settled, I am going back to my health-nut standards. The weather is getting really nice here and I need to research plants to grow on our porch. I also need to start reading again. It has been hard to find a book because the last one I read completely blew my mind. A customer gave me a book the other day, maybe I will read that next. Another customer gave me a sandwich. And another gave me free edamame. I really love being a bartender.
I especially love edamame.
I think it may be one of my favorite things. Ever.
Wtf am I going to be for Halloween? I was the Appliance Direct guy last year - he is a celebrity in FL for making shitty and hilarious commercials.
Anywayzzzzz.............. Here is a pic aaronleigh took of me

aaaaaaand this is why I love my life (lots of new videos up in my videos tab)
Haha i love this blog! My hubbs is a bartender at the Rits in Dana Point here in Cali. I know all the stuff that happens to the poor people who undertake that role haha people are dumb. I hope you find a house and buy lots of cool vintage shit! Post them when you do!!!
good luck pretty!

Hey, I miss your face.... that is all...